Art imitating Life ?

8:39 am Monday, 26th May, 2014


I was shredding some redundant paperwork the other day,when I came across my old scrapbook.It suddenly hit me ,having not realized it before,that all the roles I played had character defects of one sort or another.No " Mr Nice Guys " like Baron Von Trapp in " The sound of Music " or Jesus in " Superstar ".
Most of the major parts ranged from murderers, psychopaths,Nazis and gangsters, through gamblers, con-men and misogonists to layabouts,idiots,and narcissistic effeminates and Rock and Roll Stars.Type-casting ,maybe ?
Now if I were casting some of the bloggers,I would probably select the following.
Luv2Suc as Scarlett O'Hara in " Gone with the wind " ( Tomorrow is another day )
SunshineGirl as the luscious Jean in " Brigaoon" due to her very attractive Scottishmness)
Sassy as the independent and forthright Mrs. Levi in " Hello Dolly" ( she's got better legs than Barbra Streisand too ! )
Gillibean as Nellie Forbush in " South Pacific " ( I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair ) or Debbie Reynolds in " Singing in the rain " ( I wouldn't mind spending a night on a sofa with her )
Miss Goodnight as Bronwen in " How green was my valley " because of her heavily-implied Celtic sexiness.
Ms.Geil would be free to pick any part that appealed in " La cage aux folles "
Sue from Sue and Chris ,as the Good Fairy in " Wizard of Oz" because she is unfailingly nice to everyone.
As for Ginger Red,resisting the urge that her Bottom would be a sensation in " Mid Summer Night's Dream" ,I know she has trodden the boards and may vouchsafe to us, her favorite role.
I daresay that most of the guys might fall into the categories I have been lumbered with,unless there is someone who is convinced ( or deluded ) that he is a squeaky clean hero or romantic lover,free from any defect.


9:17 am Monday, 26th May, 2014 Luv2sucU

“Sir," she said, "you are no gentleman!"
"An apt observation," he answered airily. "And you, Miss, are no lady.”

I think I could play that part so well Fetch, especially if you would be Rhett to my Scarlett. Fiddle de dee tomorrow is indeed another day ;-)

9:31 am Monday, 26th May, 2014 Luv2sucU

You're right Gilli, costumes may be a cause for concern. I'm just trying to imagine squishing my boobs into a Scarlett type dress.

10:58 am Monday, 26th May, 2014 Fetch1

Funny that,Miss Goodnight, I thought more " The Bash Street Kids "

11:35 am Monday, 26th May, 2014 Fetch1

Always compliments MsGeil.
friskyfella. In " Princess Ida " the hero Hilarion ,challenges Arac the baddie to a duel. I was playing Arac needless to say.At dress rehearsal I was nicked on the ear by his rapier.I found the biggest sword I could carry and on first night,scared the shit out of him by threatening to reverse the storyline. I did however finally succumb,as per the script.

12:29 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 Fetch1

SueChris. I like that quote very much.
Gillibean. Unfortunately, the relevant pictures also show some people who are still quite well-known.Perhaps I should come out of retirement,reprise the role and invite you backstage to inspect my weapon.You would be very welcome img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif"

2:12 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 makesyousmile

Frisky, Come and spend a few hours round me, I'm constantly getting slapped across the face, with everything from a glove to a handbag. (Though usually I'm never challenged to a duel, just told to piss off)! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

2:12 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 eroticgoddess

I guess I would be the Vicar of Dibley?

2:14 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 eroticgoddess

Or maybe Kathy Bates in Misery

3:21 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Why thank you Fetch. Although i would be rather more robust then virginia Bosler or any female who strutted the boards to play the part on stage.... "Oh Harry, take my hand for Lang Syne and wish me happiness"

"Life Imitates Art Far More Than Art Imitates Life" Oscar Wilde.

8:44 pm Monday, 26th May, 2014 Luv2sucU

Fetch, can you have a word with wardrobe? It's not just the boobs I'm worried about. Flippin' heck, that dress is going to make my backside look even bigger than it already is.
I'm not ready for that ... I'm just not ready ;-)

12:00 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Yes Fetch i agree with Luv2 on the costume situation as NO WAY will my ample bosom be able to squeeze into Brigadoon style dresses without careful alterations....

7:07 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 Fetch1

My word Ladies ! You are showing yourselves as true professional Thespians, complaining about costumes and announcing that you are ready to play one of the great iconic roles.
I have a working title for the farce which you wish to be written.It is called " Let's Play Silly Bloggers ! "
Now the essence of good comedy in a farce on a minute,it'll come to me.....Oh yes ! timing !

7:07 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 Fetch1

My word Ladies ! You are showing yourselves as true professional Thespians, complaining about costumes and announcing that you are ready to play one of the great iconic roles.
I have a working title for the farce which you wish to be written.It is called " Let's Play Silly Bloggers ! "
Now the essence of good comedy in a farce on a minute,it'll come to me.....Oh yes ! timing !

8:33 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 rigger101uk

Happy to be a dancer if one is needed..

Now where's that tutu?

9:18 am Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 Fetch1

Gillibean. from " Sweet Charity "
" The rhythm of life is a powerful beat,puts a tingle in your fingers,tingle in your feet.Tingle in the bedroom,tingle in the street. Yes,the rhythm of life is a powerful beat "
Rigger. I believe he is playing the part of an Archbishop somewhere in South Africa.

1:11 pm Tuesday, 27th May, 2014 Fetch1

Ginger Red .Was that " I'd do anything " which Jodie Prenger won ?
I recall a redhead from Northern Ireland......who incidentally,I thought was the best candidate from both the musical and characterization aspects.( True, no BS ! )

3:11 pm Friday, 30th May, 2014 jaco123v

img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

5:52 pm Friday, 30th May, 2014 Luv2sucU

Yes, I look like the back end of a horse.

6:59 pm Friday, 30th May, 2014 makesyousmile

Luv2 you most certainly do not!

Why only the other night I thought my god that woman's got a fabulous looking backside, granted my binoculars were a little steamed up, and it's difficult to get a perfectly clear view from the tree in your neighbours garden, and there was a big branch obscuring the.... Oh crap, I've been busted haven't I?) img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

4:42 am Saturday, 31st May, 2014 Fetch1

makesyousmile " Hey you ! get outa my tree ! "
The Count of Monte Cristo ? He didn't look in very good shape to me when he was banged up in the Chateau D' If ! However,I'm sure that the notion of a Masked Ball would find favour with our dear Luv2Suc and I might even wear my Batman or Lone Ranger outfit for her !

12:53 pm Saturday, 31st May, 2014 Luv2sucU

Did someone say mask?

.. is dreaming of Fetch galloping on Silver to rescue me from the peeping tom in the tree, wearing nothing but a mask and a smile and the William Tell Overture as background music (just for effect).

7:13 am Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Fetch1

Dear Luv2Suc. I'm a bigig fan of Rossini and love the thought of galloping to your rescue with the LSO playing The William Tell overture in the background.
Not too sure about being naked though,that hopefully might come later when I have gotten rid of Tonto..... I have had my suspicions about him for some time.( Don't think I have ever met a more camp Red Indian ! )
xxxxxx more Mwwaaaahs to you.

10:12 am Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Luv2sucU

How inconsiderate of me expecting you to ride naked. Where on earth would you keep your gun?

2:32 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Fetch1

Sorry Sue, i was too busy keeping my back to the wall, !
xxx last time I stayed at the YMCAimg src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

2:32 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Fetch1

Sorry Sue, i was too busy keeping my back to the wall, !
xxx last time I stayed at the YMCAimg src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

2:32 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 Fetch1

Sorry Sue, i was too busy keeping my back to the wall, !
xxx last time I stayed at the YMCAimg src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

10:31 pm Sunday, 1st June, 2014 makesyousmile

Gillibean, 'Yes it does, doesn't it'

5:59 am Monday, 2nd June, 2014 Fetch1

In refuting these innuendos about me and a Red Indian Brave at the YMCA,I should like to put the record straight. I visited a redskin encampment during one of their fertility festivals and shagged three squaws.The first two squaws lay on Buffalo hides believing that they had mystical powers.The third lay on a Hippopotamus hide,believing the same thing.The latter squaw later gave birth to Geronimo, the most powerful and charismatic of all the Apaches,thus proving the law of Pythagorus that " The son of the squaw on the Hippopotamus ,is equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides ! "
( I'll get my coat !img src="imagesadultemoticons021.gif"

Blog Introduction


I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !