in love with an Older women

1:34 am Thursday, 22nd May, 2014


It happened at school, Hayling Secondary School to be exact, i was only about 12 i think, and i fell in love head over heals with this 6th former Girl, older than me and all woman, she was beautiful, stunning and she didn't know me at all, i followed her day to day all over the school i wanted her to be with me, she was the Carnival Queen that year must of been around 1972 ish
non of my mates knew about this, all they knew was i wasn’t playing there games anymore, i wanted this girl, i use to follow her home as well to see where she lived, today i would be a stalker then i was in Love,
one day i had the courage to write a note to her telling her all my love i had for her, one day as i followed her home after school i knew what coat she wore and where she left it during lessons, i wrote the note and left it in her coat pocket and thought about it all day, i waited at the school gate for her that day 5 mins to 4pm, and waited and waited, she didn’t turn up, i don’t even know if she read my note, funny how you think of things in the past as if it happened yesterday.
Needless to say i was gutted and had a broken heart, until i met some other girl but thats another Blog to come……..Maybe.

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Professional Photographer & Masseur, Lover Of Curves & Fun