how to get more success

1:41 pm Wednesday, 21st May, 2014


I've now been on this site for a year now and I've only had a couple of meets. What am I doing wrong??I understand there is a lot of men on this site and a lot of people lie!I'm unsure as to wether I upgrade or not or join another site in hope of more naughty shinannagans :) any help on getting stuck into it all would b muchly appriciated as I am a genuine fun loving and affectionate man after a lil fun


4:30 pm Wednesday, 21st May, 2014 Skebbie

How would you define "meet" ?
Do you mean a good shag, or that your date simply turned up at Starbucks for a quick look? :-)

The bottom line is that -if you are male- no matter how horny you think you are (and it's all relative :-), the chances of getting your rocks off are directly correlated with your age and aesthetics. I'm sure you're doing no better or worse than any of your peers :-) Although this site is "helpful", sadly it cannot provide people with an instant and vibrant sex life. You just have to be patient like all the rest and be thankful for small blessings :-)

6:31 pm Wednesday, 21st May, 2014 makesyousmile

Succinctly put skebbie, couldn't really improve on that thumbnail description.

Keep at it Discreet, there's an old saying that, 'If you fling enough you know what against a wall some of it will stick!'

Try a paid membership, 'one successful meet, and its worth it!' Post some genuine pics, join the blogging community, and get in the chat rooms, 'Not for me personally.' Be honest, and transparent about what you really want, without boasting, or bragging. Work at it, and you will get results!

8:33 am Thursday, 22nd May, 2014 discreet24uk

Cheers guys thanks for the advice I will stick at it and see what happens, maybe a different approach will see more success.

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Open minded male looking for partner in crime!