Sex myths and truths

12:10 pm Wednesday, 23rd April, 2014


Had to deal with a couple today were the lady was ill due to an ectopic pregnancy, the disbelief in the pair was incredible because "he always pulls out and cums on my tits so I can't be pregnant".

Anybody else got any sex myths of truths that we can all have a giggle about on this dreary Wednesday afternoon?


1:37 pm Wednesday, 23rd April, 2014 Skebbie

Yes - that all black men are massively endowed and that they alone can provide the ultimate satisfaction. That one creases me up every time.

3:06 pm Wednesday, 23rd April, 2014 Luv2sucU

Oysters and gin make you horny.
It was a wicked lie. They just made me spend the night with my head hanging over the toilet. Urgh ...

12:21 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 makesyousmile

Sensual, are you really sure on that fact?

(Fi nd s . Gret diffICultY 2 tyPE on kiyboaWd wiTh sUch bIg fiNg#rD)!

4:55 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 Luv2sucU

Sensual, it's all a big lie to get us into bed. They walk around with their biiiig hands and their biiiig feet then after they take of their glasses and biiiig socks, you get into bed with them and it's like "OMG!!! Where is it?"

4:55 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 Luv2sucU


7:58 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 makesyousmile

Sensual: 'No big hands on my cards' is that a euphemism? img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

Luv2 'semi swallowed tea, all over the keyboard' again!

'They walk around with their biiiig hands and their biiiig feet then after they take of their glasses and biiiig socks'

How else are we supposed to walk around? (They're not detachable you know, well unless one gets careless with a circular saw).

Wingit: To the overly eloquent gentleman I would have tipped my head politely at him and told him that you 'Hoped his balls turn square and fester up at the edges'!

10:25 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 ingrid69

Another myth? As a youngster I heard that women who swallow sperm their breasts grow larger! Well my wife was a Nurse and told me that sperm is full of protein and would enlarge breasts by a minuscule amount along with every other body part! An average amount of sperm, a teaspoon full, would produce the same amount of proteins as a bite of sausage! Sorry could not resist that comment... img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

11:49 am Thursday, 24th April, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Hmm maybe i could be wrong, but i have read quite a lot of "Daily tips" that are myths lol

12:48 pm Thursday, 24th April, 2014 doktorzook

That funnly little feller with the wierd hair who's up afore Ze Beak today is absolute proof that money pulls. Hiw else would he get any action at all if it wasn't for his millions of shekels?

12:52 pm Thursday, 24th April, 2014 doktorzook

Anyway back to the original question. ..where I used to work, the women had a cute little saying-

'up the bum, no babies'

2:39 pm Friday, 25th April, 2014 doktorzook

If it was a manufactory where many hard as nails women used large sewing machines that scared the shit out of me!

3:57 pm Friday, 25th April, 2014 Brinton222

Doc z. Used to be called " Cornish birth control "
" Poke im up her transcom me anscom --- Yerl get no babas yere "img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

12:04 am Saturday, 26th April, 2014 makesyousmile

Frisky, tut tut! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

1:26 am Saturday, 26th April, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

oh deary me coffee splutter yet again, all your fault Frisky.
oh you are awful lol ;-)

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