Along the lines of fairy tales.....
I was Sleeping Beauty for so much of my life. I slept away half of my 20s, all of my 30s, and part of my 40s before awakening to a new world of, well, the site here. Or maybe I was Rapunzel, locked away and only having access to one adult in my life. Sad, I know, but Rapunzel it is.
In the tales, they all escape and live happily ever after. Let's not go there....
I'm thinking I am now more the Little Mermaid, in a new world surrounded by a new life and seeing so many things for the first time. Maybe the handsome prince won't fall in love with me. Ah well, there are plenty more, right?
I like the idea of being the Witch....strong and powerful, taking what she wants and moving on, but in reality I'm far too 'nice' to be evil, think what you will.
Life is never a fairy tale, is it? Then again....maybe the Princes Valiant and Charming are fighting for me as I type. And I can tell both to sod off, I am heading to the pub for a double whisky on ice. Care to join me?
5:16 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
Hello EG, prince shagalot here, and theres room on my horse for two. |
6:41 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
I'd be an evil witch Monday to Friday and Disney's Belle at weekends. Unless it's Thursday night then I can be both :-) |
6:41 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
Graham, or was it, |
7:48 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
I would have liked to have been Ali Baba .Unfortunately, all my 40 thieves left to become Hedge Fund Managers, Merchant Bankers,Cabinet Ministers and people who sell protection insurance. |
7:51 pm Monday, 14th April, 2014
Graham, I think it was.. |
6:39 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
I would be Cinderella as i do like dressing in pretty dresses after all what woman dosn't like Balls ;-) |