8:45 pm Thursday, 31st December, 2009


THE STAINLESS STEEL BOWEL HAD A SMALL BORE DRAINER AND TUBE WITH GAG AND STRAPS. It was mounted on a wooden frame to which its subject would be strapped. What ever went into the bowel would automatically go down his or her throat. There was a notice affixed the read clearly. "NO SCAT''. Any one who needed to piss would use this bowel whenever they wished.
There was also a standard toilet and shower room.
Clients were ushered into a changing room where they left their clothes in lockers. They also sat and completed their consent sheets and medical clearance certificates from their recent checkups.
It was into here that the first arrivals were sent. These were the spankees. Two fems. and four males. All of whom had confirmed their first treatment was to be bottom
whipped. They had not met previously, but were happy to share their experiences with strangers. Their secondary treatments were more individual but the same set of stocks would suffice.
Six heads and twelve hands were secured in a neat row. Course thick ropes were tied round each waist and a length threaded between their legs. This was then hitched over one of the scaffold poles above. A downward pull and their feet left the ground.
They were then helpless. A warm up with a badminton bat, followed by a flogger brought a red glow to the row of bottoms.
They were then left to watch another naked client being hauled up by her wrists and suspended above the floor. They watched in terror and fascination as she succumbed to the bull whip. The sight of this more extreme whipping by the skilled hand of Zelda did for a moment take their minds of the spankings that they themselves were receiving from Shirley. As they were first timers to Zelda's, Shirley went to the front of the stocks to check on their mental condition. This is where their faces were slapped and humiliating words spoken. If no safe word was offered, she would return to their buttocks with ever increasing punishment. They had the option to leave after every fifty strokes. One by one they called their safe word and took time out to wait for other treatment whilst watching the woman being whipped without mercy.
The fems. were next for tit treatment T.B.C.

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