Where's the Naked option on that Mood list coz' that's how I feel like gettin'??

11:54 am Tuesday, 25th March, 2014


Feelin' pretty loved on this site so far, been made to feel very welcome! Cheers everyone for your lovely words and taking the time to check lil' ol' me out. You rule.

It's actually getting a tiny bit toasty out where I am, how about you guys? Who am I kidding it's still freezing but I'm not caring too much, I just wanna rock a bikini now! Even if that involves me jumping in a bubbly jacuzzi to get naked, I'm game! Anyone care to join?

Stay tuned for some more pics that I'm gonna get uploaded asap, I just wanna make sure you get the hottest cream of the crop since how you've been so great!


Blog Introduction


Joanna Angel here..come keep me company..