9:38 pm Saturday, 7th November, 2009


ZELDA AND THE TRANY SLUT SHIRLEY WERE NOW SO DEEPLY INVOLVED with each other that a separation was going to be painful.

They knew it wouldn't be for ever but it was going to be lengthy.
It would start with the Master's return from hospital.

It was unsure as to the amount of damage to his balls and penis that he had sustained in Scotland. Also his anus had been badly split thanks to the gang of pissed sluts that had overcome the dungeon master and raped him at Shirley's collaring dinner.

The attack was truly vicious. But it has to be said, his sadistic treatment of them prior to their escape had a lot to do with their revenge!

The private treatment he received had helped his early recovery.
He was ready to go home, but only on the understanding that he would have help to cary out his ablutions and feeding. He was still classified as "weak''

The slut was in for a busy time. Zelda would pop round to help but she had too many well paying clients waiting for her services to be there full time.
They would collect the Master tonight. It was sensible to return to the flat and prepare for his return. T.B.C.

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