What makes someone sexy?

9:26 am Sunday, 3rd November, 2013


Ok so I have a male best friend. Last night we were having a few drinks and he started tellin me about a girl in work who he finds soooooo sexy but when I asked him why he couldn't tell me said was just something about her??

I've seen her and to be honest she's nothing special. Pretty but overweight although she is nice.

Anyways, I get guys telling me how gorgeous I am but never get told I'm sexy...so what's the secret??


10:00 am Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 fairgame72

If I tell someone they are gorgeous, rather than pretty or even beautiful, then I definitely mean I find them sexy. If guys are telling you that you are gorgeous, which I am sure you are, then you really don't have anything to worry about.

12:21 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Slow4u

Hi Hotlips xx,
Yes I agree with fairgame, if guys are telling you that you're gorgeous, then they definitely find you sexy!!
Have you considered that they don't want their comment to come across as simply a cheap or sleazy 'come on' to you? It's a classier way of saying a very similar thing, I think.

If a man says "You look gorgeous" he hopes you're not worried about him following it up with "get your tits out" !! He might well follow it by something like "can I buy you a drink?" Or "Let me take you to dinner"

That's how I see it anyway.

Seduction being better than a quick grope, sort of, lol.

Also, judging by your (short...) profile and single pic'.. I'd have to say... my God woman, you really are gorgeous !!

Good luck,

Kiss Kiss.

1:11 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Skyhawk7

With a figure like yours you must be sexy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

2:10 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Luv2sucU

Devastatingly gorgeous in a sexy kinda way ...
Gorgeous and sexy in a devastating kinda way ...
Sexily devastating in a gorgeous kinda way ...

They all sound good MsG

2:25 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Luv2sucU

Tomckat, did you have any siblings in your litter that are still free and single?

2:43 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Slow4u

Well you can't get much sexier OR gorgeous than 'devastating' can you? Lol.
Maybe "Lay down, I think I love you" would be more obvious, but not as classy :-)

I'd be pretty chuffed with devastating I think.

2:54 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 averagejoe99

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Its something that cannot be explained, defined or analysed. It can be physical, psychological or maybe emotional.
And massive beer goggles also tend to help!

5:37 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Luv2sucU

He looked like the kind of sexy guy I could fall in love with. Trouble is, he was standing next to the kind of sexy guy I’d like to make love to.

Confused? Not as much as I am ...

6:53 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 fairgame72

R: Quasimodo got the girl in the end. Be yourself others will like you for what you are. Looks are transient, so don't put anyone on a pedestal above your good self.

9:14 pm Sunday, 3rd November, 2013 Slow4u

It is attitude. A woman can good looking, attractive even, but maybe not sexy.
Another woman who's not so good looking can be very sexy... It's how she holds herself, how she talks, confidence.. and sassy-ness, ,lol.

Looks have little to do with being really sexy.

3:24 pm Tuesday, 5th November, 2013 makesyousmile

Fun Boy Three and Bannarama sum it up for me;

It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it
It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it
It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it
And that's what gets results

It ain't what you do it's the time that you do it
It ain't what you do it's the time that you do it
It ain't what you do it's the time that you do it
And that's what gets results

You can try hard don't mean a thing
Take it easy and then your jive will swing.

img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

6:39 pm Tuesday, 5th November, 2013 hornycouple6372

curvy Ronald is quite cute, and not all shy, lol....
for me sexy is a state of mind, it's more of an aura you give off, the most beautiful woman in the world ceases to be sexy if she comes across in the wrong way, same goes for a guy

11:13 pm Tuesday, 5th November, 2013 fairgame72

Lady Gaga wore a dress made of raw meat didn't she? I think I would struggle to find the sexiness there, but as a general principle I think you are quite right Michael. Cooking can be quite sexy, so maybe Gaga was ensuring she had plenty of ingredients to hand?

5:31 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 Luv2sucU

FG, interesting that you mention Lady G. I think she'd look sexy in a paper bag: confident; beautiful; talented; articulate.

What she does is take her sexiness to the extreme to make guys think: "I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.”

6:43 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 averagejoe99

Just weird..........

8:09 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 fairgame72

Paper bag over her head perhaps...

I "get it" in the context of her well crafted and erotically charged videos. Less so when I hear about airline staff having to cut her out of her rubber catsuit during a mid-flight athsma attack.

Please don't assume from this that I am not a great fan of rubber catsuits.

8:27 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 rigger101uk

Sexy is as sexy does - it is a way I think and not a look.

And it is definitley a matter of personal taste

Fiona Bruce - yes
Lady Gaga - no, bag, pork chop, latex catsuit, it matters not. Its a no Im afraid.

And the fact that others will disagree makes the world a thoroughly enjoyable place!

9:02 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 fairgame72

Rigger: ooh, I'm with you on Fiona Bruce.

Worryingly, and for the very first time last week, I found myself unable to switch channel away from Nigella. She had so much of interest to say, and the way she handled those oysters made me positively ravenous :-)

10:12 am Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 averagejoe99

Oooh Fiona Bruce now you're talking!
Susannah Reid as well but Lucy Verasamy is way more sexier than any of them.
I think its the understated self confidence that's make someone sexy. If you can look hot, confident and nonchalant at the same time you're onto a winner. Lady G tries way to hard and ends up looking like a dogs dinner. No meat dress pun intended!

3:50 pm Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 fairgame72

Carla Bruni, Renee Rousseau and Jessica Rabbit. Not necessarily in that order.

6:02 pm Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 rigger101uk

Rigger, Kirsty Alsopp and Nigella.

I could live of that experience forever!!

I did think about the word today though - I think it is a very special accolade, greater than many others I think, because (in my humble opinion) it says sometning about someones personality as well as their looks.

Anyway Hotlips,


are sexy.

5:13 pm Thursday, 7th November, 2013 Brinton222

Bettany Hughes does it for me --- Gorgeous,curvaceous English rose,and intelligent conversation. .Followed by Emma Jesson -- she likes older men.

8:42 pm Thursday, 7th November, 2013 fairgame72

Lisamarie: I agree with you, but where do you draw the line between confidence and arrogance? Different people may have divergent views on the same person. I guess this comes back to having to just be yourself and accept that you won't appeal to everyone.

4:15 am Friday, 8th November, 2013 Skebbie

I'm totally turned off by Lady GMadonna uber-confident women. I'm drawn to those who are very feminine physically but who don't need to overstate it, and who are comfortable simply *being* feminine. Intelligence, accomplishment, a sense of taste, and a touch of modesty (yes really :-) earn extra points. One of the sexiest things for me is being with a woman I know has a knockout figure, even though it may be completely masked by a baggy jumper disguise. I guess it's the thought that what's under there will be revealed to me in the fullness of time, exclusively, and is not on display for the benefit of half the blokes in the pub or restaurant. True sexiness needs no embellishment.

8:43 am Wednesday, 25th July, 2018 postman1967

Your very sexy xx

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