To Pass or not To Pass ... that’s the question !

5:51 am Saturday, 14th October, 2023


Hi Everyone ... I hope this finds ou well and thank you for taking the time to read my blog 

Throughout the years I have always done my best to look as good as I can I’m sure we all have !  With  a lot of work I feel that I’ve done a pretty god job overall but there is always room to improve !For most of you reading this I’m sure you feel the same way!  People have always said to me how “passable “ I am which is a really nice compliment but how accurate is it ? 

  If we are being realistic about things  I think most of us would say that we are not passable in our own eyes ...not that we don’t look good ....but there is so much more that goes into passing then just looking good ...everyone has flaws and we see those flaws more than anyone else in ourselves ... and that's ok we are who we are ! But if we are taking strictly about passing in public and that is what is important to you as an individual  then we should really look at ourselves and be objective to determine what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong .  

  First I should start by saying that I have been dressing the majority of my life .... since a young age and got my start by looking through my mother’s closet and trying things on ... I imagine that how a lot of us got our start however I do realize that some of our beginnings are sometimes later in life which may effect the amount of experience we have but regardless  however you got your start age doesn’t matter .... your here now at this point and everyone strives to look their best whatever that look may be so lets look at some things that will help us in becoming the best version of ourselves . I have broken some things down into different categories that I feel are important area to consider .... these are just mine and I am by no means an expert but from my experience this has helped me ... 

I have always had a keen eye for 
Have a look around when your out and about and look at people on the street that are just going about their daily lives ... notice anything ? 
What I notice is that there are very few people that stand out in a crowd of people and we all know that when someone does ... all eyes are on them ! 

So my advice is that you should do your best to blend in to your environment and DRESS FOR THE OCCASION
If you want to pass the key is not to stand out by drawing attention to yourself . If your going out to get a coffee dress conservative... your going to stand out if you don’t and there’s a pretty good chance that if you draw attention to yourself people are going to make you and if the purpose is to blend in then you need to dress appropriately.

When your getting ready pay close attention to the details such as your HAIR ...If your not lucky enough and must wear a wig make sure that wig is of good quality ... try to stick as close to your natural hair colour as possible ( but who really does that !!! )  try to find a wig that is of a current hair trend . I personally had  had my own hair when I was younger  which I feel is the best if you are lucky enough,  but lets face it .... wigs are a whole lot easier and fun and as time goes by our natural hair doesn't work so well anymore . So my advice is find your look and your hair style that you like and have several different wigs for different occasions .... maybe something shorter for the day and longer for the nights out on the town .... again it comes down to dressing for where you are going and not for how you necessarily feel like you want to dress . In terms of  MAKE UP try to not overdo it ! It sometimes hard because we need to apply more than a genetic woman but again if your going out shopping during the day you don’t want your make u to look like your going to a club on a Saturday night . But one thing that is import is good quality makeup.... try different brands to see what works best for you . again practice what looks best for you ! 

It’s always important that you choose the right CLOTHING 
 We all love our sexy outfits , but there is a time and place for all of them ! Make sure that you are wearing age appropriate clothing for the occasion  I am guilt at times of wearing clothing that I like vs what I should be wearing and that’s ok at times but try again to wear clothing that won’t make you stand out in the crowd .

Some of us are more nervous than others when heading out of our comfort zone ... if you haven’t been out in public then I think you should PRACTICE until you feel  comfortable 

Keep in mind that if your goal is to “pass” in a public setting There is so much more than our looks ! It’s the way that you carry yourself and the confidence that you have ! It’s the way you walk , talk , vocabulary mannerisms, gestures etc. We need to practice these things as women do all of these different then men

When people say how “passable “ I
Am it’s a great compliment but the reality is I don’t ! .... I do my best as we all try to do …. So have confidence in the way you look … have confidence in yourself  and just own it !

I’d love to hear your thoughts !

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