No Regular Wrestling!

1:07 pm Saturday, 25th March, 2023


This is an afternoon that all three of them had anticipated for quite some time. They'd talked about it for a while, but initially broaching the subject to Renata wasn't all that easy for them. After all, not everyone is into mixed erotic wrestling. But Jay and Melaine are a couple who's grown to being expert at feeling out a person when talking to them. They'd met Renata months back, and had established a good, easy rapport with her. It started from there and then went from that to the easy rapport with deep overtones of erotic innuendo they now have.

From there, the first time the 3 met for some sexual playtime was an easy transition. They'd enjoyed hours of lively, primal-like, 3-way, VERY intense yet enjoyable sex. So what was to come next seemed to be another natural and easy transition. The 3 had "tap-danced" a bit around the subject of erotic nude wrestling... This was something Jay and Melaine enjoyed regularly between themselves, amongst all the other kink and raunch they were into. Unless a person leans towards the sexually wild and primal in their erotic wheelhouse, erotic wrestling isn't something that immediately comes to mind.

But more and more are trying it out and finding they love it. They didn't have to wonder for very long about how Renata felt about it, however. Renata said, "I do believe the two of you are feeling me out to see if I'd be interested in sexually wrestling the both of you. I'll help you out a bit and say that I would absolutely LOVE to wrestle the both of you. That sounds sooo hot.... sweaty bodies slapping together, cock and pussy juices starting to flow. Sliding against each other, and that hot grinding! It's making me get hot and bothered just thinking about it! Let's get together Saturday morning around 11 and get this thang started!" The couple laughed, and said "Sounds like a plan, then!"

Renata arrived at the couple's front door, just as planned. Seeing how the two of them were already sans any clothes when Melaine opened the front door for Renata, it didn't take her long to get with the program. Renata followed them down to their partially finished basement. She was pleasantly surprised to find a 20ft square wrestling mat setup already down on the floor. Just the right thickness for some hot and juicy wrestling...Jay told her he and Melaine wanted to make sure there was ample room for all the raunchy wild that was about to start, and winked.

By this time, Melaine had settled onto a chaise lounger not far from where the mats were. She told both Jay and Renata, "Ok, my good people, here's how our wrestling play sessions today are gonna go... Renata, you and Jay are going to go first. This isn't your standard professional style wrestling with timed rounds and all the usual stuff. Pussy to cock scissoring trib with PIV between you two is good. No timed rounds, no choke holds or slapping or biting or scratching. Hair pulling allowed, no neck nuzzling or kissing or romantic stuff. Only primal-like, gladiator style sex wrestling."

"Hard pussy to cock pounding, mounds slapping together, booty humping or missionary humping - booties humping HARD into the other's allowed. Catballing and rolling ok. Grinding, hard thrusting, rough play used as a distraction - for control of the match, if it permits. Bear hugging and figure 8 ringing movements of booties grinding allowed, legs-all-tangled and locked together, or ankles locked permitted. Trash talking ok, and very much encouraged. Hard humping 69, pussy or cock eating also encouraged if you find you got or can get your challenger into that position ... as whatever you do will work towards your opponent cumming first."

"PIV or PIA allowed, but no rimming. as the purpose is to see which of the 2 of you will bust one or a few before the other, and make their challenger explode with cum. First one to cum is the 'loser.' You can start in a standing position, but no flipping or throwing the other from an upright position, for safety reasons. You CAN bearhug pin each other and slowly work your way to the mats. Y'all good with the rules?"

Both nodded agreement, because they'd been sizing each other like a couple of hungry animals sizing up their prey while the rules were being explained. Renata and Melaine were two very sexy and beautiful curvy BBW's with enough cush in all the right places. Sexy cushion for the pushing, and Jay couldn't wait to get hold of the both of them in wrestling before the afternoon was over. Jay was standing with legs spread apart, sporting a steadily rising woodie by this time which had a little bit of sheen on the tip, and doing somewhat deep breathing. Renata found herself standing the same way, nipples on her ample breasts erect, breathing the same way while they stared hard at each other.

What didn't help Jay's woodie much was she was standing there also fingering her clit hood while staring at her competition.They were maybe about 3ft apart at this point. Melaine asked them both if they were ready, both nodded yes. Melaine patted the chaise cushion lightly, to make sure her rabbit vibrator was in easy grabbing reach. She was already slightly leaned to the side, resting on one of her elbows... the soles of her feet were together, with her legs spread open like in a butterfly pose. This exposed those wonderfully phat, swollen lips covering her now juiced pussy that Jay loved so well.

She was enjoying the view she had of the two soon to be sexual gladiators. They were starting already, with Jay wagging his now hard woodie in the air from side to side and up and down, as a taunt to Renata. The more he stared and wagged it with his hips, and did a deliberate low growl at her, the more she took her middle finger and played with her steadily enlarging clit horn ... which was starting to make juicy noises at this point. A tiny bit of her juices was starting to leak from her phat lips, and she was growling back at him in kind.

Melaine was starting to warm up herself watching this show, as she could see two sets of strong and sexy glute muscles contracting and relaxing with these moves...They looked at her simultaneously, smirked back at them both, and then simply said, "Go..."The two of them took slow and deliberate steps towards each other, and stopped when they were close enough to reach out and grab the other.

Two sets of hands in matched movement, both scooping under the arm pits of the other's and up onto the other's shoulders, hands resting on the top of the other's shoulders from behind. This pulled them tight to each other, still standing wide legged, feet staggered between the other's. Her breasts smashed onto his pecs. Tightly stomach to stomach, his cock in between her thighs and swallowed up in between those phat and juicy wet lips. Both sets of pubes unshaven, and mingling. Groins tight on the other's.

Both starting to mash pube bones against the other's, and hips swaying from side to side in a sideways primal grind of the other's. Glutes flexing in sync. Bodies starting to get a light sheen of sweat. Bodies still standing, pressed tight into the other's. Both with their head resting on the shoulder of the other's, and doing a low but steadily increasing growl/groan thing near the other's ear.

Melaine still sitting on the chaise lounger, very intently watching this customized erotic show. Her nether region was on fire watching all this, and the rabbit vibrator was getting a serious workout. She'd started with her two fingers working her clit, which was steadily getting more juicy the more she played with it ... clit steadily rising and heating up, growing harder and harder as these two went on.

Jay and Renata had gone from the sideways primal grinding to a light pubic bumping. Hands slowly sliding down from their shoulders to just above their butt cheeks, gripping the body of the one tighter to that of the other as the hands went. Light and rhythmic pubes slapping and clapping together, their thighs sweatily slapping as well. Feet braced in the same position, and from a side angle appeared the two were doing some intense and erotic standing missionary humping. Her butt cheeks jiggling in sync with his, every time their pubes collided in this sexual heat. Growls and grunts still steadily growing as their primal passion built.As if on a silent cue, both wrestlers slowly went towards their knees, bearhugged tightly together. They never broke apart during all this time.

Growls, grunts, moans growing steadily louder the closer they got to their knees. Both mimicking each other with one being on their opposite knee from the other's, the other's opposite bent as if sitting in a chair. Pussy slapping and sideways grinding into his cock, his balls slapping into her snatch noisily.

Bodies steadily growing more sweaty as they went, but they were too busy enjoying this action and friction to focus on that. The sensation of the one's sweaty body only added to the hot sensations being enjoyed by the other. Two sets of glutes doing an even more enhanced synced dance of flexing and relaxing and sexy jiggling with each connection of their pube mounds together.

Then one went down on both knees, and the other immediately followed. The grinding and sexy pube pounding started in earnest. It was then that Jay leaned in tighter to so he could pull them both down to the mats. At that point was when the groaning got much louder and erotically intense between the two primal-like sexual gladiators. When they made contact with the mats, still bearhugged together and in unison, legs and ankles went frantically into the air, jockeying for a specific position so they could become quickly leg-locked and stay tightly connected. Quickly, two sets of legs became tangled in a sexy and heated lock up.

Humping mound to mound, his cock sliding sensuously along the outer edges of her now very juicy pussy lips. His juices starting to leak out, and hers starting to juice up and run as well. Both were fairly strong, and thus started a series of rough pounds and catballing rolls, each jockeying for top position to gain more leverage ... with attempts at increasing the sexual tension between them. His cock now undeniably erect and hard as concrete. Very briefly, Renata had top position, and ended up with a brief chance to break their hold on each other.

It was then she managed to quickly stay in a stomach down position but quickly turn her head towards his feet, wrapping her ankles under the crook of his neck like a pillow. She quickly took his cock into her mouth and started vigorously sucking and slurping on it, and also those sexy balls of his. Likewise, he seized the opportunity she gave him as she started grinding her cunt into his face and mustache so he could do some serious feasting on her clit and juices, holding one of her thighs with one hand and fingering her juicy hole with 2 fingers very vigorously ... as he did his best to drain all her juices as well.

While all this was going on, the erotically intense catball rolling and humping of each other was back underway and in earnest. Moans, growls, grunts intermingled with muffled trashtalking ... comments like "That's the best you can do?" or "At the rate you're going, I know that I'M gonna make you cum first and HARD!!!" or "I'm gonna drain that pussy of yours as dry as the Mojave Desert when I'm done draining you of all these tasty juices! I got some serious skills, and you won't be able to help giving all of it up to ME when I'm done with YOU!!" or "I'm gonna win this, because I'm gonna make you explode with so much cum that your cock is gonna erupt like a huge volcano!" or "HA !!! You must be 'skurt' to try and do direct battle with my juicy pussy, because it seems like you're using this hawwwwt 69 action we got going to dodge jumping into my juicy sauna with your cock and me finishing this once and for all!"

With THAT taunt, the gauntlet was thrown down. Before she realized what was happening, Jay managed to quickly roll Renata, and gain top position. He quickly turned, where both their heads were in the same direction, and mounted her prone bone. His hands were cradling the top of her head from behind, and he quickly mounted and penetrated her in one wild swoop. Sweaty bodies and mingled juices started making a VERY loud squishing sound as two sets of sweaty booties clapped and jiggled together together with each thrust and in unison, him riding her very hard from behind and her thrusting just as hard, back into him.

The animal-like growls, grunts and groans and heavy breathing between the two started back in earnest. The prone bone action grew increasingly fast and furious as the enjoyable minutes ticked by. Melaine taking in this super heated show very intensely, deeply fascinated, and with her own private juicer session going on the side.

Every so often, she and Jay would lock eyes. He was enjoying the show he was getting from his wife as well, as Melaine was vigorous enjoying both her fingers and the rabbit vibrator which was simultaneously playing with her clit and rotating around inside her pussy. He looked in her direction and said, "I'm gonna properly finish this one here, and when I do, I'm gonna take you and that phat lipped pussy of yours down next!"

Melaine replied, " HA !! Promises, promises!" and then laughed. Renata tried to use what she thought was a temporary distraction of his to roll him into a top position where she could gain control. Didn't work, however. All she managed to do was end up on top of him, her back on his chest, their legs still leglocked, and him pounding away into her from below ... in a reverse cowgirl hold and bearhugging her from behind.

It was a hot sight to see, with the two primal gladiators humping each other so sensuously, his cock disappearing and reappearing with each thrust of their booties as they pounded together. Her pussy was starting to make alot of cream, which was steadily flowing down his cock from her pussy with each thrust.This didn't last long, as she somehow managed to break free from him, getting on her knees. He quickly did likewise at that point.

Knees spread apart, looking at each other like the fierce sexual warriors they were, she taunted him by clapping her hand over her juiced up pussy. She said, "Ha!! I got more for you where THAT came from! Come and get it if you think you can handle MY big girl!" He, in return, wagged his still concrete hard cock back at her and replied, "No, don't get it twisted, sista! The real question is can YOU handle my boy HERE that's waving at you to cum back here and finish this match off? Seems YOU ran from him just now! Lets DO this!"

Slowly, they worked their way back towards each other, on their knees on the mats. Like two sexual warriors in heat, ready to pounce. When they got close enough to each other, Renata was a few seconds swifter than Jay, and managed to edge him backwards enough to where they locked up again with their hands and shoulders scooped under and behind the other's. Legs locking up again at the ankles. Thighs spread, one directly on top of the other's. Grinding and pounding mounds again. Him quickly penetrating her overheated pussy, and resuming their mutual pound down fest. The booties mutually clapping and slapping together in an extremely loud symphony, and jiggling in sync just as hard. Bodies moving together in unison and resembling hands clapping together.

What an erotically charged sight to behold, for sure. Renata was too busy enjoying this mutual pound out session, and Jay noticed this. He swiftly rolled her to her back, catching her off guard... caught her ankles and hoisted them into the air. He quickly mounted her in the amazon position, penetrated her again, resuming their pound out session. Booties slamming together in a very erotic way with each mutual thrust. The noises of mingled sweat, cum, and pussy juice with each thrust, growing louder with each thrust and pump between them. The pace starting to increase.

Increasingly louder primal noises between the two, sexually fierce expressions on their faces as the pace picked up. Jay was first to notice a small change in her, that gave him the impression she was close to cumming extremely hard. He increased his pace, and somehow manages to hold off his own looming explosion. He was determined he was going to win, and deliver a serious load of his own into her pussy. Enough of one to see it overflow.

He felt like he was about to burst. Melaine watching these two glorious butts pound and slam so sensuously into each other's from behind them in the chaise lounger, trying not to explode herself. His balls looked and sounded soooo sexy as his cock disappeared and reappeared in her pussy, as if in rapid fire jackhammer style.

Those beautiful balls slamming so sensuously into her butt cheeks with each of their thrusts. Finally, it happened. Melaine saw Jay start to stiffen up a bit, trying to hold off his explosion. As long as they'd been together, she knew the signs well.

But Renata couldn't control hers as well as he did his. She stiffened up, and let out a loud mouse-like screech. Her body shook like a leaf, almost the entire length of her body. Creamy cum exploded from her juiced up hole, coating his sexy pole and running slowly down those pretty balls of his.

A few seconds later, her hole became a steamy receptacle for the overload of his creamy cum as well. All that cream between them was truly a wondrous sight to behold, as they rode out the tremors of their explosive orgasms. And Melaine rode out her own from having watched all this, hearing their sexy noises ... inhaled and enjoyed the smell of their combined sexual excitement... a sight to behold, for sure!!!

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Couple Looking For an Adventurous, Fun-Loving, NSA BBW or SSBBW FWB