Unicorn Hunting Continues.

3:17 pm Saturday, 11th March, 2023


We started an epic adventure to find ourselves that
elusive magical beautiful unicorn. 

Even though we are brand new to this we have searched high and low. It seems the many ways to search one out have failed us so far. We are still looking with as much determination as we started. Along the way we've been tricked by literary Merlin's posing as potential players. We know we have more than what's required to make a whole herd of unicorns smile rainbows and we feel hurt some maybe missing out.
If you're reading this and you are in fact the magical unicorn that we seek, then please, let us know and help us on our quest to fulfil fantasies for all three. You will be more than rewarded.

With some luck our next post will be all about our new found success and how many times her entire body shivered....it's magic right?

Blog Introduction


Exciting female to make fantasies a reality.