After taking lilly for this posh interview, her all power dressed up and nervous, white blouse,black knee length skirt,tights,and high heels.
The last thing i expected afterwards was for her to be sucking my cock whilst i was driving her home. She was bold as brass taking me into her mouth, I laughed and told her there was a builders van full of guys behind us in the trafic jam we had hit, I was expecting her to stop! Quite the contary she only increased her stroke and sucked me harder, I told her that the boys in the van were fighting for best position to watch her comit this act on me, Expecting again for her to stop, But once again i was shocked at her ordasity! we approached the roundabout and i could see a police car approaching! i panicked and pushed here off me, laughing but angry as i wanted her to finish. The boys in the van behind beeped there horn and perals of laughter followed..
Lillys mouth was open and she looked hot to trot.
I suggested a car park nearby and she replied "NOW"!
2:55 pm Wednesday, 5th August, 2015
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