Our first meeting, long ago

10:21 pm Monday, 3rd October, 2022


The following events are true, as best as memory can be relied on. It is about the first time one of my prior subs and I met in person for the first time.

We had discussed things online for a month leading up to our meeting and the groundwork had been set out in advance. In addition, I had given her assignments leading into the day of that were designed to prepare her for her first real life experience in this world.

We agreed to meet at the hotel bar since I was staying there and she was married, leavimg her house ouf the question. After chatting and ensuring we were both still on board, it was time. I left first, she followed a few minutes later as was agreed upon.

As I waited in the room, there came a knock on the door. There she was, kneeling at the door as directed. Letting her enjoy the fear of being seen, I took my time opening the door and letting her in.

Once she was in, she assumed her position - kneeling, knees spread apart, arms crossed behind her back, and head straight forward, as had been agreed to.

"Are you ready?" I asked of the submissive in front of me.

"I am sir" she replied.

"Then do what we discussed."

She nodded and stood. Carefully, she took off her wedding ring and set it in the open safe, followed by her other jewelry and car keys. Next were her shoes, then shirt and bra, followed by pants and panties. All of these, except the panties, joined her wedding ring in the safe. Now fully naked, she resumed the kneeling position as I closed the safe and set the code.

"Until that safe is unlocked, you have no clothes, no way of leaving, and no marriage. Do you accept, or do you wish to stop?"

"I accept, sir" she responded.

"Good. Now stand so I can see you better."

She obeyed my command and I circled my naked submissive. She really was a catch and her pictures did her no justice. I knew immediately what was needed.

Following my direction, she stood in front of the full length mirror as her arms were fitted into a leather armbinder. Cinching it tight, her arms pinned back and chest out she could see how much more prominent her breasts were made. This was then paired with a leather collar around her neck and a panicy look as I clicked a padlock shut securing it.

I asked if she was okay, and she nodded yes, so I continued.

With her still looking in the mirror, belled nipple clamps were put in place so she would make a little jingle every time she moved. Leather cuffs were added to her ankles with more padlock clicks, followed by an O ring gag, also padlocked in place. She was now naked, bound, and gagged, with now way to remove anything on her own.

I commanded her to kneel next, and with some help she complied. That is when I positioned her so mouth was at the right height and then got the chains to lock her ankles to her arm binder, preventing her from leaving from leabing this kneeling position. As the padlocks clicked, I heard her gasp throughbher gag. She must have realized what she was in now.

Stepping back in front of her, I dropped my pants and let my cock hang by her open mouth.

"Well, get to it slut" I commanded her.

Soon her head was shifting and moving before she finally got the shaft of my cock through the large O ring. With that done, her tongue went to work as she bobbed her head back forth, with the rest of her body well immobilzed.

With her focused on serving my cock, she failed to notice the riding crop I had also picked up. She started to slow down and soon felt a thwack on her ass. Her eyes moved up tonlook at me.

"Keep going or it you get another" I told her.

No fight or resistance, instead she swallowed up more of my cock than she had been previously. After a few more thwacks I was ready, so I pulled her away.

"Are you good to swallow or do you need me to cum on your face? Nod once for throat, twice for face."

She paused. I could see she was debating. Then suddenly she nodded once and lunged her gagged mouth for my cock. She rocked her head several times and put her tongue to work. Finally it was my time. I grabbed her head and thrust as deep as I could as my cum spilled into her throat and mouth. She caughed and choked momentarily, but swallowed every drop.

I unlocked the gag and removed it from her.mouth, and soon her tongue was cleaning off my cock.

"Thank you sir, I hope I was a good slut" was all she said once she was done.

"You were" I assured her as I undid the hogtie chains. "And now you get a treat" as I pointed to the bed thay was already set up for a spread eagle tie.

But the rest of the story is for future tellings.

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