First time with a dildo

6:07 am Wednesday, 21st September, 2022


One Saturday night after shopping for some sexy lingerie and out fit I was getting ready then I had a thought as I've been thinking about sucking off a alpha Male.and getting horny and Jerking off I wanted a dido so I'm back from the shop after complete embarrassment I was shaking with the joy and pleasure I. In for I got the mirror ready and I slowly eased my 9 inch rubber dido into my arse oh my God it was the best feeling on earth I slowly worked the toy in and.out.of my wet arse and I was panting on the floor head down arse up and I thought of a film star fucking me so I started to wiggle my arse I got in more.and.the feeling got so excited I pushed it right up as I could I could cock wanting to explode.but.walting.for.meΒ  I fuck my arse but.then it.happened I was moaning and.sweatings legs shaking and.a happy cock it was the best time iv w ever had ever, how can beat that I'm here have sexy fun


9:54 pm Monday, 26th September, 2022 phanthuk

Thanks for sharing πŸ’•

9:54 pm Monday, 26th September, 2022 phanthuk

Totally agree πŸ‘

Blog Introduction


Need to dress up sexy for someone special and make me feel like I am the only girl in the world