Nudes on your profile page or not ?🤔

8:06 pm Friday, 26th August, 2022


I always wonder if ladies find it unsavoury for men to have naked is a in their profile pages ? I've had conversations with ladies about having "seen it all before" and the like.

I guess we're all different and some people prefer to have something left to the imagination, however, I understand that there will also be a percentage of women who do like to have an ogle at the boys bits - a lot like us boys like looking at your naughty bits 😅. Discuss.


12:08 am Monday, 29th August, 2022 Geekygirl208

I don't mind seeing either. A girl or boys bits.

3:20 pm Tuesday, 30th August, 2022 Lotsjanet63

I’m interested 😍

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Genuinely nice guy seeking LTR with attractive and caring female