When the Pre-Show IS the Show

10:12 pm Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022


Feeling bored and a bit lonely one afternoon, I decided to get out and do something. The days of COVID lockdowns are over, at least for now, and I was aching to be around other people.

Twenty minutes of standing in front of my wardrobe yielded a fine choice for the day. A lacy black thong, black stay-ups under a grey side-zip pencil skirt; red and black push-up bra under a semi-transparent blouse tied a few inches below my sensitive and playful B-cup breasts. "I'm going to have fun today, no matter what", I said to myself, and headed out the door.

The half-hour drive was uneventful. A short time later I entered through the gates of the local theme park and headed toward one of my favourite attractions: the Haunted Mansion.

Like many attractions of the Disney era, there is a pre-show to keep guests entertained before the real entertainment starts. This attraction was no different. We were ushered into a very dimly lit room. I was one of the very last in line, so was basically close to the back wall of the chamber, waiting for the pre-show to begin.

I smelled you before I felt you. I felt you before I saw you. I, well...

You announced your presence with a pleasing scent, as though you had spent the previous hours on an oceanside beach. I breathed deeply as it drifted over me. It spoke to me of lazy afternoons, skimpy (or no) swimwear, stolen kisses, longing touches and passionate embraces. My body began to respond as if recalling past adventures, feeling dreamy and rapturous all at once.

Through the haze, I felt you approach. Not social distancing, to be sure. Tentatively at first, you came body to body with me - your chest to my back, your knees to my thighs. Sensing my approval as I leaned into your pressure, you gently placed a hand on each of my hips, pulling us together. Your face pressed to the side of my head, your breath in my ear, you moaned quietly, and began to push into my bottom.

I felt myself quickly becoming aroused, traces of wetness and heat emanating from my essence. It was all I could do to keep myself from spinning around and dropping to my knees (this was a family-oriented theme park, after all). Knowing that the pre-show would only last ten minutes or so, I had to act quickly.

I grasped your right hand and brought it to my breast, your fingers immediately going to work caressing and stimulating the underside and nipple, making me squirm and barely suppress a squeal of delight. With my left hand I unzipped my skirt almost to my waist, then took your left hand and introduced it to my rapidly puddling crotch. With you busy fingering, rubbing and massaging my pleasure centres (well, all but one...), I felt the urgent need to get busy myself.

I pushed slightly away from you and before you could express your disappointment I moved both hands behind me. With my left I drew open your track pants (under the circumstances, who am I to lecture on fashion?) while my right reached in for its prize. You were incredibly hard, long and hot to the touch. A shiver ran through you and a moan escaped your lips as I grasped you and began to stroke. Slowly and gently at first, then with increasing pressure and speed. Your breathing grew ragged, your forehead slumped onto my shoulder as you concentrated on the incredible sensations bombarding your body and brain.

I felt myself approaching the point of no return. With my left hand I pressed your fingers HARD into me. I came with a rush, nearly falling as my knees buckled. I saw stars. Within seconds, I felt you shudder, gasp, and fill my hand with your issue. It could not have been better. I withdrew my hand and turned to you, seeing you for the first time. With a sly and sexy grin, I sucked your essence from my fingers, savouring its flavour. Then, as though we were long-time lovers, I planted a deep, lingering kiss on your lips, swapping tongues and flavoured by what you had given over to me.

Seconds later, the lights came up and the operator announced the end of the pre-show. "If that was the pre-show, I can just imagine what comes afterward", I thought.

But that, as they say, is another story.

Blog Introduction


Big on kissing, caressing, stroking.  Lots of contact.