Tend The Gender; Tender Gender; Where 'The Day Thing Sight' Is 'The Dating Site'.

4:13 am Thursday, 18th August, 2022


Sunita was a Hindu girl brought up in a christian neighborhood. She was rather western oriented compared to her other Hindu friends and associates. She, like all the other christian girls of the locality, went to a convent school.

Being of christian upbringing, Sunita, was consided, to be, rather poor in emotion. Her friends made this very obvious to her, every time they met. Even though she was afraid to be emotional towards them, she wished the people she met would love her.

Her parents too were rather stern and emotionally cold and detached. She read a lot of bestseller novels. She especially enjoyed the hot parts. She wished she could come across people of the type mentioned in these sexy parts. But that seemed very unlikely.

She had noticed, that the guys too, even though, smart and athletic like in build, were missing something. There was one boy, a Hindu like herself, was rather lean and plain. The other guys were rather handsome looking. The difference was that, this boy, named deepak, had something she couldn't quite understand.

This, she soon realized. It was that, with him, she felt a kind of warm feeling in her chest, which was absent in the other christian guys and girls of the neighborhood. She was from a family of three. Father, mother and herself. So no siblings to fight with or compare herself to.

She had often felt like touching herself in a way she felt guilty about. At times, when she saw romantic movies, she wondered what it was like to be in such situations. It was really very emotionally moving, the way these romantic scenes were.

She wished she could have a boyfriend like those lucky girls in the films. What was it like kissing. It felt very passionate. On the other hand, in the Mills and Boons romantic books series, she liked the horny parts. To her, she wondered what it was, that she felt.

That's what had led her to touching herself. It felt wonderful. Do guy know about that? Those stories were all about adults. Do girls and guys in those romantic films touch each other as well, in addition to kissing and holding each other tight?

This Deepak guy seemed quite like this, but how will she know? One day she was in a grocery store and he was there too. Somehow, they both, seemed to recognize that they were alike, unlike the other girls and guys of the vicinity.

She had come to the store to buy vegetables. She noticed, he was looking for something. She was near him, her heart missed a beat. She was nervious. He noticed her, she looked cute. She too, happened to look at him, at almost the same time. He smiled and said 'Hi.'

She returned the 'Hi'. There was silence. 'You living with your parents?' He asked, finally breaking the silence. 'Yes.' she said nervious as hell. 'And you?' she asked after an uncomfortable pause. 'I am here to study.' he said. 'I am staying at the college hostel.' He explained, hoping she wouldn't mind that he was not a local.

'I am from U.P. Where are you are from?' He asked. 'Here.' She replied. She had always had this problem. She had no idea where she was from, she only knew she was a Hindu. 'I am from here.' She continued, hoping the answer would do. Picking up two packets of snacks, he moved in the direction of the cashier.

They paid for their purchases, and left the store together. 'Are you in a hurry?' He asked, Hoping to chat with her some more. 'Not really.' she said. She too wanted to know him better. 'Got to get these veggies home.' she explained. 'My mum must be waiting.' she said absent mindedly. '... I got time.' she said quickly.

'Great, maybe we could sit on that bench, under that tree.' He said as he ushered her towards the wooded bench. They sat down. They sat for sometime in silence. She felt uneazy. 'Maybe, I should leave.' she said. 'No, please don't go.' He said offering her one of the packets of snacks.

She accepted it. She often wondered what these packets contained. She had never considered trying them out. He tore his open and noticed she did not know how to do hers. So he offered to tear open hers too. She took a taste of it. It was quite salty and spicy.

'Not worth it,' she thought to herself. They sat there munching the snacks. 'Hope you like it.' He said. 'I personally think it is rather spicy.' she commented. I should have asked for your choice.' He said. 'Well, what do you want to talk to me about?' she asked finally. Hoping they will get somewhere with this.

'What is your name? Mine is Deepak.' He said stretching out his hand to shake hers. 'Mine is Sunita.' she said. 'What are you studing?' She asked? 'Architectural Engineering.' He said. 'What is that?' he inquired. 'Oh, Architechural.' She said nodding her head. 'What do you do with your day?' He asked. 'At the moment. nothing.' she explained. 'I help my mum around the house.' She continued. 'What do you plan to do with your time.' He asked. 'I just finished my metric schooling.' she said, bored with the way this was going. 'Are you wondering what else I can do with my time?' She asked, bored. Not knowing what it meant.

'I guess, I am happy helping my mum out at home.' She added, hoping he would get down to what mattered. 'You got a boyfriend?' He asked. 'No.' she said. There was silence. Then, 'What about you? I mean, any girlfriend?' She hoped he would not ask her about the big bad world out there. She knew nothing of it.

'Well,' he continued 'I like you.' She blushed, looking down at her, now, empty hands. They had finished eating the snacks. He had taken the empty packets to throw away. 'I like you too.' She said noticing that there was a pause, where she was expected to respond?

'Can I take you out sometime?' he asked, hoping she wouldn't refuse. 'Out where?' she asked. 'For a movie, maybe.' He said smiling mischievously. 'Maybe.' she said, playing hard to get. 'What do you mean - Maybe?' he asked. 'Can't get time off from house work?

'He teased her some more and finally got a 'Yes'. It was to go to the neighboring coffee house. It was a reputable place. He did not want to take her to the cheap cutting chai walla he sometimes had tea at.

'Let's go to that coffee house.' He said. 'We can have coffee there.' He said standing up. 'OK.' she said, letting him lead the way. 'I can't stay long, she said quickly. 'my mum will wonder what's taking me so long.' He walked ahead of her.

'We'll sit at that table.' He said when they entered. There were round tables each with four chairs around them. He pulled out one chair - the one with its back to the entrance. After she sat down, he got into the chair facing the entrance.

'When the waiter came to take their order, he offered a menu. It was just a plastic covered sheet of paper. He looked at the price of coffee. It was expensive. But what the hell, it is not everyday he gets to be with a cutie like this.

He ordered the coffee and got straight to the point. 'Are you a virgin?' he asked turning to look at the next table, trying to avoid her direct stare. 'What did you say?' she asked smiling. How was she supposed to answer that? 'What do you think?' she asked shrewdly.

'Well, you seem like a homely girl.' He replied. 'Homely?' She demanded. 'What's that?' was she, in anyway ignorant about this matter? 'By homely, I mean that you don't seem like a girl who sleeps around.' He said in defence. 'Well, maybe I do.' she said, beginning to enjoy this.

'Well then, if you do, I will get straight to the point. 'I want to fuck you.' He said defiantly. She looked straight into his eyes and said. 'So are you the one sleeping around. - Are you?' she demanded. 'Don't get so worked up.' He said looking to see if anyone had heard them.

'They might hear us.' He said. 'I like the way you lose your temper.' She teased. 'Yeah, I think YOU will be losing something instead.' he said playing along. 'Yeah? What is that?' she asked. 'Your virginity.' he said. 'Let's ask you'. She continued. 'Are you a virgin?' she demanded, he too did not look like a flirt.

'OK. But I asked first.' He said quickly. 'Alright then, how many girlfriends have you had so far?' she inquired. 'Actually none. And you? How many boyfriends have you had?' He retorted quickly. 'None too.' he added. 'So we are both virgins.' He decided. 'When can I fuck you? If that does not sound too direct or rude.'

'Yes, it sounds rather rude.' She said quickly. 'You should be asking. "When can WE fuck?" she said defiently, trying to sound matured. 'Because I too, would like to be involved.' she explained. 'It's like you want to dominate over me.' She paused. He said nothing. He just stared, at her, with his mouth open.

'I don't mind it, but I know you would like to treat me as an equal.' she stopped. 'OK then. When can WE fuck?' he asked excitedly, not wanting to hide the fact he was just say for thrills. 'Not today... I don't think we are up to it as yet' she said concealing her eagerness to try out something, whatever it might be. 'I want to think about it. Give me some time.

'OK, I won't rush it, we can be lovers.' He said losing track of himself. 'When can i see you next? he inquired, leaning forward in his seat. 'Tomorrow.' she said. 'I have got to get home quickly. My mum must be waiting.' he waved to the waiter, put the coffee money, and enough tip, on the table. They will visit again.

They both left the coffee house pleased with their progress. He had managed to break the ice, and she will be getting to do all those things she had only read about and seen in those romantic movies. 'Bye, till next time.' he said, with his lips close to hers. 'Ummmm.' she managed to murmur.


1:44 pm Sunday, 21st August, 2022 jgorocks

Great read!

Blog Introduction


I'm 57 years old, living in the Mumbai region. I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 30 and 90.