What do we truly want??

10:38 pm Wednesday, 4th September, 2013


A conversation tonight came down to this: "most of the peeps here don't want to admit it, but it's as much a desire for company as for sex."

I agree. Do you?


1:21 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Skebbie

As Kinky once observed: I'm a friendless hermit and happy with it :-) However, even hermits need sex once in a while :-) It certainly isn't loneliness that draws me here, it's more to do with the fact that I never cease to be fascinated by the sheer variety of the human mindset, especially in relation to sexual attitudes. Also I enjoy the written word.

3:01 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

I agree with Skebbie. I am comfortable in my own company, although I am not antisocial. It's just that there are times when I miss the physical presence of another, the intimacy of proximity; not necessarily sex but the touch, the feel, of another's body, the smell of her hair, the warmth of her skin and the way those little downy hairs stand up when I stroke her arm. Sex is a bonus in a way, in the right moment when we are both ready, not because we feel we have to.

3:10 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Skebbie

Sorry to be a tad irreverent, but for a fleeting moment I was mindful of that section in Private Eye that compares well-known faces with others, and couldn't help noticing that Drew201 bears more than a passing resemblance to BTG :-)

But yes, Drew, your attitude very closely approximates mine. Well stated.

6:04 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

I'm not looking for sex (yeh, right). I just like perving at sexy photos and having fun chats and email exchanges with their owners ... mwahahaha

6:13 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Fetch1

Company and sex ? I think these go hand in hand with conversation and good humour.
The ideal situation is to have all four aspects at one time, then you have the basis for a worthwhile relationship.

6:13 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Fetch1

Company and sex ? I think these go hand in hand with conversation and good humour.
The ideal situation is to have all four aspects at one time, then you have the basis for a worthwhile relationship.

6:56 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 MobyUK

I like fallingangel's suggestion about easier ways of finding company, but in the light of curvybird's post about company being "over-rated". At tennis clubs etc, the conversation tends to be "bland". Drew, Skebbie and Fetch made me realize it's a mixture. I like things in three's or fives. So i'll suggest 5 C's - Company, Conversation, Contact, Coitus and maybe someone can suggest the fifth C. Or rewrite it altogether.

7:50 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

Exactly Curvybird, especially if you are the only single manwoman in a crowd of marrieds or couples (unless it's that sort of party of course!). It is a sense of isolation as much as loneliness because despite the fact that there are a lot of people, you have no real point of contact, no interest in common with any of them so you are psychologically on the outside of the group, not part of it. Perhaps MobyUK's fifth C should be Commonality.

7:58 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Skebbie

Agreed. Or maybe "Conviviality"? After all, as has been stated, mere company can be boringcrap.

8:00 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Skebbie

Luv2: We all know you're a bit of an imposter because whenever you want sex, all you have to do is whistle :-)

8:24 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 rigger101uk

I do it for the buzz, to reassure myself that I am alive, and to meet new and interesting people in circumstances a little less hidebound by the norms of our odd little world.

I do it to remind myself that we are actually free spirits with freedom of choice in word and act, and hopefully I aim to bring a smile (or similar) to those I bump ito along the way.

I am equally happy on my own or in company, but I prefer to have selected for myself the circumstances that I find myself in.

I loive the sex - but I really love the sex for the brain stuff, where the company is just fun too and the adventure is, well, an adventure.

as an aside I am holding my breath as I press save - wodering where the dreaded ***** will strike and turn my thoughts to gibberish......

8:26 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 rigger101uk



love the sex for


And sorry about the typos. Too early.

8:28 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

Maybe it doesn't matter whether the meeting is face to face or on line. The fact that there are other people out there with whom you have contact and develop a bond through these discussions is very comforting. I am new to the site and this group, but I already feel a connection with you and everybody else taking part, even if there is a high probability that I may never meet any of you in person.

8:39 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 eroticgoddess

I can't remember all of the conversation my friend and I were in last night when this particular phrase came up, but for all the people I've chatted with, it seems to be a commonality that most want more than just sex. Maybe the men I talk to are simply echoing my own desire for something more meaningful than climbing into bed with a stranger for a few hours, but I don't get that feeling.

Why else come back and chat with me over and over about the most mundane things (as well as the fun stuff) if they simply want a quick shag? Yes, there are many who refuse to chat at all, saying they are not here for that, but I've found a long list of men and women who just like to talk, and it seems they are looking for the company.

Eventually it circles around to meeting up at some point, so obviously it isn't JUST talk in their minds, but still.

10:44 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

I don't need to whistle for sex Skebbie, it seems I just have to go to Waitrose to do the weekly shopping :-)

But seriously, imagine a scenario where a person works all day with 'stiff suits' (mostly male) with no appropriate time for a naughty sense of humour on any level. Said person suddenly finds self husbandless (and best friendless) and once close friends of both are now awkward in your company.
Few remaining close friends are usually busy with their own families and getting lots of shagging done no doubt (lucky them).

So that's why I am here ... online company where nobody cares if I'm naughty.

Perhaps I will need to whistle at some point but alas, I'm not very good at it. I may need some help with my technique ....

11:21 am Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Skebbie

Luv2: I was, of course, referring to your recent "marital reacquaintance" :-) I'm not condemning it, obviously, but at least it seems as though it's there if you need it, which is more than most of us can manage.

I wouldn't get too envious of "happy couples", as in many cases it's just a front. In any event, I share your desire for naughtiness, but I'm sure your potential for finding it vastly exceeds mine :-) It's just a question of acting on selective opportunities.

2:13 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

Lilith, if cake were the way to a woman's heart (and other parts of her anatomy) there would not be any Mr Kiplings left in Waitrose and I would be in a sexual coma.

2:51 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 gun4hun

... let them eat cake ... so that's what Marie Antoinette meant

3:08 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

Damn it Luv2, I managed to get in a reference to Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in To Have And Have Not (the one where she says "You do know how to whistle don't you, just put your lips together and blow") but it got deleted because I included a link. Suppose the moment has passed now.

3:15 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 gun4hun

It's a well known fact that the Milk Tray Man used rohypnol

5:53 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

On my way to Sainsbury's now.

6:41 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Lilith, that sounds like the contents of the most amazing Christmas hamper.

7:03 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Drew201

This is so unfair. I was on my way to Lilith's heart right up until the last one on the list. Same with Kinkygirl. Biology? I can do Economics if that's any good?

8:10 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 slicknik

I was flitting through the blogs when I am sure I sensed someone type Spiced Rum. Morgans for me its an ex-military thing :)

Anyway back to the point of the blog.

When my wife left me I was very depressed, even suicidal for a time so I joined this site and if it hadn't been for all my friends on here helping me to keep my sprits up as well as show me there was more to life than feeling empty...well I shudder to think how my life could have turned out.
I also found out just who I am and how much pleasure can be had which was an eye opener! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

10:46 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Drew, "Damn it Luv2... You do know how to whistle don't you, just put your lips together and blow"

I get the blowing bit, I just can't manage a tune. I never know what to do with my tongue. Clearly I'm doing something wrong ;-)

10:51 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 MobyUK

seems everyone has their 3C's, 5C's, ABCDE or whatever it is they gettake from here. I must say I love Chocolate, and Carrot Cake.

Looking at the C's again
Chat, Cam
Conviviality Commonality
Companionship Company
Contact , Cuddle
Coitus, Cock, Coochie
Cake, Chocolate, Coke(and rum), Campari

Although, food may be better before especially as an aphrodisiac. I guess the order doesnt matter. If I can get all one night, that's a proper RESULT !!

11:23 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Curvy, he's been to Stratford looking for a fish and chip shop. ;-)

11:27 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 MASTERANDSLUTPET

Not a wise move - everyone knows there's very few chippies in London.

11:39 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Masterand, London? Do you need a map? ;-)

11:47 pm Thursday, 5th September, 2013 MASTERANDSLUTPET

The Olympics were held in Stratford albeit the one with fewer swans and also lacking Anne Hatthaway's house.

12:16 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

Well having read all of the above, I reckon that if Dixon were to answer the door with Roxy's "Avalon" playing in the background, and press either a pina colada or a rum cocktail into the hand of his lady guest, all he would have to do to ensure a result would be to murmur the latest developments in stem cell research into her ear. (Well....that and a slight brush of his tumescence through her clothes as he subtly secures the door behind her ;-)

5:32 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Morning all. Just done a quick catch up and have now started my shopping list. Bottle of dark rum for Curvy (already have all the Roxy records in 12" plastic), Blueberry muffins and a bottle of Sailor Jerry for Kinkygirl (plus a biology text book for me) and 101 Things To Do With Your Tongue for.Luv2.

5:51 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 rakxx59

absolutely agree..... I eat a single mum once or twice a week and she is really wanting for adult conversation.....I enjoy her company to but she doesn't want a relationship

6:10 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Drew, Oh dear ... The end of your message has been ** out so I can't read your comment about my tongue. I don't Should I be concerned?

Masterand, how remis of me to forget that wonderful East London district. There may not be many swans or indeed an Anne Hathaway's house but I am surprised that the area also lacks 'chippies' given the area's historic reputation for potato growing.

Why am I thinking about potatoes at 6am? I need to get my ass out of bed and get to work ...

6:17 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Luv2, it was a book - 101 things to do with... (hope they didn't blank this again. Anyway, on the culinary note, I thought it was all winkles and eel pie darn the East End. You only get proper fish and chips in Scarborough. And Rakxx, you eat a single mum? Too much red meat isn't good for you, you do know that?

6:40 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Drew, it may well be winkles and eel pie in the East End but that is definitely not to MASTERAND's taste.

MASTERAND, I'm guessing more slotties and ham and pease pudding. Also, let's not forget the fruit desert ;-)

7:31 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Just be careful when you reach for the knob. Sorry, couldn't resist it.

8:23 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

Drew, me finks ya kinda missed the point about Dixon.

Skebbie, Kinky - it's not fair, perhaps you should enlighten the newbie!!

8:32 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Missing the point is one of my special gifts. If they ever introduce putting your foot in it as an Olympic event, I will win with ease.

9:01 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 MASTERANDSLUTPET

not forgetting pie and mash of course which may account for Luv2's crops of potatoes.

9:41 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

Drew: Don't worry mate. It's just a puerile private joke that's been doing the rounds on the blogs these last couple of months. You weren't to know.

9:46 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Thanks Skebbie. It's always like that when you join a new group. Everybody else knows everybody else and you're the new guy trying to catch up. Just had this mental picture of Kinky turning up at the door and... well you get the idea.

9:57 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

"Luv2's crop of potatoes ... ".

Slightly going off blog topic but who cares: I'm partial to the odd potato especially when in extra large bags with the words 'KETTLE CRISPS' on the front. I actually share a name (slight spelling variation) with a variety of potato. Before some of you google for details it's not: Wilja; Black; Lady Balfour (although rather fitting); Desiree (I like the sound of that); Maris or even Piper.

This one is best steamed and eaten hot ...

NOTE TO LILITH: There is also a 'Witchill': small, white potato ideal for roasting whole :-)

10:32 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

I'm going to be boring (and a lot less funny) and say either Cara, Charlotte or Anya. There is also Melody, but given Luv2's lack of whistling skills, I am discarding that one

11:58 am Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

Nadine or Nicola I wonder? "Slight spelling variation"? ---- Nicole

If I'm correct, do I get some sort of prize? I can suggest one :-)

12:11 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Tell me it's not Mary Poppins. No, wait - Maria from Sound of Music?

12:54 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 gun4hun

My turn for (yet another) furtive check of Lilith's profile. And without wishing to be too ungallant are we talking 1972-ish?
It must be Linda, as in Lovelace of Deepthroat fame.

1:13 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 makesyousmile

I love this site, Start a blog about, 'Whether we are looking for company or sex'

Read through the thread, and it goes completely off piste discussing 'Rum and coke', 'Brian Ferry' 'Kettle chips'' and the finer merits of the potato family!

Keep it up guys, am laughing my ass off here!

1:13 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

Is this blog degenerating into a game of charades ?

1:16 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

Lilith: Can you at least tell us the name of the director? Was it David Lean?

1:20 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 makesyousmile

Oh and Erotic. for me personally its a mixture of both. I'm quite content with who I am, and where I am in life, (and I guess I'm a bit of a loner) but I do enjoy being in the company of like minded individuals and always ready to share time, either sexually or not with anyone that wants to share their time with me.

1:57 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

But Gun, that could be a false trail. Lilith could mean a classic film at the time her mother went into labour, so we could be looking at anything from the 1930s onwards. I'm pretty sure it's not Sugar from Some Like It Hot (my favourite film of all time by the way). My money is on Scarlet.

2:33 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Skebbie

I'm sure she wouldn't be too impressed if you're implying she's as old as Gone With The Wind (hahaha.....) :-)

3:01 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

Well a girl could do a lot worse than being named after a character played by Vivien Leigh.

3:31 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 gun4hun

And what a girl.
Seem to have lost the thread there a bit. Vanilla world intervened with a minor crisis for a client. Bad the for them but good for the ambulance chasers (i.e., me).
Frankly my dear... I'd prefer to see Lilith as a Scarlet, all Hollywood satin and lace, rather than as a Vito (Corleone of The Godfather) which was where my sleuthing was leading me.

3:34 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 gun4hun

The evidence of recent posts might suggest that I'm here for the craic as much as the, er, crack.

4:43 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 gun4hun

Oh yes CB, plus in no particular order and ignoring characters:
Kim Bassinger in LA Confidential
Lauren Bacall in anything
Ingrid Bergman
Sharon Stone

4:51 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

I have a really excellent recipe for spaghetti alle vongole if you are interested.

6:52 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Luv2sucU

PMSL Lilith " ... King Edward" That would take some explaining.

Drew, "Anya, Charlotte or Cara"
Skebbie, "Nicole, Nicola, Nadine"

Not even close ...


7:06 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 Drew201

OK. I like a challenge, although I didn't think it would ever be guess the name of a potato. Still:
Sante? Corolle? Exquisa? Roseval? Marabel?

8:56 pm Friday, 6th September, 2013 rigger101uk

Christ on a bike - I love this site. Until now I had no idea that people gave their potatos girls names.

Does that mean Mr Potato Head cross dresses? Good on him if he does.

Please may I have more Jennings now? Thank you.

7:09 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

OK, one last shot.
Laura (Brief Encounter)
Ruth (Blithe Spirit)
Estella (Greta Expectations)
Nancy (Oliver Twist)
Lara (Dr Zhivago)
Er... that's it.

7:50 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

Damn. Oh well, a woman of mystery you shall remain, shrouded in secrets and an unknown name.

8:26 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

I nearly said Bill Sykes. So close.

8:27 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

I nearly said Bill Sykes. So close.

8:27 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

I nearly said Bill Sykes. So close.

8:42 am Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

Sorry about the repetition there - something wrong with the connection. So, Bullseye. Not quite sure what to make of that. The centre of the target, a disc of glass or a hard peppermint sweet. Think I'll go with the last one.

12:15 pm Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

I like dogs. And I grew up in Yorkshire, where you really were posh if you get out of the bath for a pee.

12:25 pm Saturday, 7th September, 2013 gun4hun

And out of bed for a sh1t.
I did enter a bedroom in Belfast v early one morning where they hadn't bothered to leave the bedroom for said act.
This was sometime after my own folks had left the province of their upbringing for London where, as we know, the streets are lined with gold.

12:31 pm Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

Yes - if gold is brown and smells like shit.

12:53 pm Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Skebbie

David Lean wasn't that prolific a director, so the field of leading lady characters is pretty narrow. Of those remaining, only Rosy (Ryan's Daughter) and Adela (Passage to India) have not come out of the hat. (However, I wouldn't seriously expect you to own up. It's much more fun guessing :-)

4:26 pm Saturday, 7th September, 2013 Drew201

Belsize (sorry, I'm Drew, recent arrival, how's it going?) I joined in order to find someone for a sexual relationship, but there is a part of me which needs a good fuck and another part which needs the sort of companionship and hilarious discussion which I have found on these blogs. I may not get to the fuck, but I feel so much better for having found this group.

Blog Introduction


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