Life is just a fantasy....or is it?

7:32 pm Friday, 17th June, 2022


He arrived late to the party.It was in full swing.Lots of people talking and laughing. He stood in the doorway holding a bottle of wine.A man greeted him and said, Come on in fella and join us. The foods over there and the bars out back , pointing down the hallway.He slowly made his way past the crowd when a someone grabbed his shoulder.HEY Dude,glad you could make it. It was the guy who invited him, a coworker he didn't know very well.They had lunch a few times and talked after meetings. Oh how buddy, Thanks for the invite,looks like a great party. It's shaping up to be one, Welcome to my home. Foods in there and you can put that bottle out side at the bar. Help yourself,we got plenty. The man went out side to the yard.A big grassy field with a small pool and jacuzzi.There were a few nice girls in bikinis sitting around both.Ha....maybe I'll get lucky tonight,he thought to himself,He made his way to the bar putting his wine with the rest of the bottles. There was a barrel on tap,so he grabbed a solo cup and tapped himself a beer. While it filled he looked around the place and noticed a very cute woman standing by the pool.Their eyes met and she smiled bashfully at him as she walked over to the barrel.Hello...Do you have any more cups? She asked. Here, take this one ,I just got here and it's a fresh one.Well, thanks I'm Molly...What's your name?I'm Joe, nice to meet you Molly. Nice to meet you Joe. There's a band playing later. Do you like to dance? Yes I do, said Joe. Great..I will look for you later. He watched as she walked slowly back to the pool.She had on a short black mini skirt a pair of high heels and a silky black button down blouse. Her long blonde hair swayed back and forth each step she took.WoW! She's a beauty,said a man standing behind him.Your a lucky guy. Ha.. I just met her a minute ago. Well don't let that get away. Joe wasn't sure what to do,but the guy was right. I'm staying close to her. Looking over towards the pool she was gone. WTF? Where is she? He grabbed another cup,filled it and went inside to find his new friend. He looked in all the rooms,but no Molly. She vanished. He passed by the food table and decided to get a bite to eat. He filled a plate and sat down watching for his girl to reappear..About an hour passed and he herd a loud noise out side. Check one two check. It was the band setting up my. Remembering what she said about dancing,he hoped she would return once the music started. He went back out and herd a bunch of chanting coming from the bar. Chug, Chug,Chug There were two guys holding a girl upside down over the keg with the hose in her mouth drinking beer as fast as it came out. It's called a keg stand. He remembered it from collage. The girl was good at it and the crowd cheered her on. Finally a stream of beer shot out of her mouth and the two men lowered her to her feet.Wipping the foam from her face she looked over too the bar. It was Molly, his lost girl. Feeling very hurt he grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the bar and started sucking it down. Guzzling it down the crowd now began to chant for him. He drank every last drop. His eyes were watering and his throat burned awful .He looked over to Molly who was smiling widely at him. She walked over to him grabbed both sides of his head and pulled his face towards herd.Their lips met and they kissed wildly. The crowd went nuts cheering for them as the band chimed in with a song. Molly took his hand and lead him to the dance area. They swayed back and forth to the music. She backed her ass up in to his crouch and pressed hard in to his rising dick, throwing her ass up in the air she began grinding in to him even harder. She turned around and they met face to face. She bit his chin and slowly dropped to her knees. She drove her face into his now fully erect penis. Standing back up and kissing him again they continue to dance a few more songs. WOW I'm hot and out of breath,let's sit down and get a drink. Joe's cock was bulging out of his shorts as he limped off the dance floor. Screw it,I'm going to get us beer. He stood proudly at the tap with his hardon. Suddenly he felt light headed.WOAH. I'm dizzy. Too much booze . I have to get to the bathroom. He stumbled inside and up stairs finally making it to the toilet .After a long pee and a quick puke he felt better. On his way back down stairs,he passed a bedroom with a big queen size bed. Maybe I should lay down for a while. Just till I feel better. No one will know. He flopped down an fell asleep. Well there you are. He woke up to a stern voice. I have been looking all over for you. It was his girl Molly. Are you ok? She asked. Yep yep ,just needed to rest a minute. I'm good. She smiled and entered the room and closed the door behind her. Hope you're ready for this. She slowly walked towards him unbuttoned her blouse and let it slip off her arms to the floor, exposing her Hugh round breasts. She reached to the side of her skirt and unzipped it letting it too fall to the floor. Standing there in her lacy black thong she said ,Well let's get you undressed. Joe grabbed the sides of his shorts and pulled them down over his feet. Next he pulled his shirt up over his head and sat there in his boxers. She mounted the bed and they began to kiss. He ran his fingers through her long hair and down her back,slowly rubbing her ass. She did the same stopping at his once again thumping hard on. Sliding it out the side of his boxers,she began to stroke it up and down. He moaned in pleasure as he moved his hand into her thong. He could feel wet pussy through her pantys. She purred and opened her legs, picking herself up and lowered her self down on his shaft. It slid right in her awaiting hole.They both moaned loudly. She rose herself up and down pumping his manhood, She bit down on her bottom lip as her hair wrapped around her face. She was getting loud as she bounced up and down on him. He reached up and began playing with her tits. The nipples were rock hard. She took his hand and put it in her mouth,sucking and licking his fingers. Making them all wet she returned them to her breasts. She did the same to the other and her nipples grew even harder. Another 25 minutes passed by and he was ready to explode. He could feel her wetness on his balls and knew she had came many times, He reached up and grabbed a hand full of her golden hair and yelled .. Im cumming! She rose up off him and dropped her head in to his lap. Grabbing on to his loaded love gun with both hands and jammed it in her mouth, stroking and sucking it wildly. He closed his eyes and tightened every muscle in his body. Oh YEAH BABY! Oh my god yes. He released a huge load in to her mouth as she continued to pump and suck him till he was empty. He herd a loud gasp and opened his eyes in disbelief. W T F ! There she stood across the room with her hand over her mouth and Hugh bulging eyes. He looked down at his crouch,(where she was a second ago) only to see his hand around his fully hard dick ,soaking wet with cum. What the!? How is this possible? I don't know what you have going on there. I found you upstairs last night passed out on the floor. Two guys carried you down here and put you on the couch. I spent the rest of the night stopping them from drawing dicks on your face. Ok well thanks for that. I must have drank too much and fell asleep. Yes you did , that was quite the dream you were having. Lots of crazy stuff going on. I'm sorry you herd all that. If it's any help, you were there. Yes I know, she said. You kept yelling my name for some reason. Well I have to go, I'm gonna be late for work. I wrote my number on the back of your hand if you ever want to go out again,give me a call. Hope to see you soon, bye. He sat there for a minute still confused as hell. Looking at his cum soaked shorts He found a tissue and started to clean himself up,when he noticed a big wad of long blonde hair wrapped around his fingers?? What is this? Was it a dream ? Or just a fantasy

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Hello looking to try new exciting things with new people