My First SHAG... never to be forgotten!

4:22 pm Friday, 17th June, 2022




I was a young and tender, teenager, just turned 18, 'OK... so maybe I wasn't quite so ‘young and tender'.... This was all happening in the late 60's, all Flower People and all that.... I hadn't had so much as a decent snogging session, far less ''got my tit away'' or ''my finger!''...
Imagine the scene, In Paris for the first time... and... with out my parents!...They said ‘’I was all grown up and that I could be trusted’’...Alas... they were sadly misguided.
Here I was, off on a skiing holiday with my French friend...We had stopped in Paris to meet up with more of our group. To cut a long story short... Hugo and 6 of his mates, all of them seemed older than me... I mean, these guys had cars!... Well we all ended up out on the town, as you do...Had a few beers... Yeh!.. Yee!.. Hick!.. Boy's out on the town doing what young boys love doing best... LOOKING FOR GIRLS!...
During the course of the evening they somehow ‘mysteriously’ discovered... I was,.. a... VIRGIN!!!!.. Thanks Hugo! So it's off down to the Red Light district... to find some girls... Bish Bash Bong!... OK, I said... ever the bold boy... sorted!..
After driving around, we arrived at our destination. I sat in the car while the guys talked to a group of girls and sorted things out. Finally, my friends called me over. As I got closer, I remember the air being filled with an over whelming scent... The whole experience was heady... intoxicating... almost surreal... I had to pinch my self.
I hadn't expected things to move so fast… as I got closer, the guys who all had their backs to me, like a wall, hiding the girls from view,.. parted to let me through. From that moment on I was a lost soul... I had entered another realm... A few more steps... and there before me were four of the loveliest visions heaven has ever sent... They were beautiful, around 25/30, good looking, slim and damn sweet to the eye... that smile... those eyes... Oh me, Oh my... Oh God... those legs... look at that, that bum!... and those legs!... Four hot visions of sweetness and honey! They all looked great, really nice and up to the minute fashion... we're talking Dusty Springfield meets Audrey Hepburn... smart, classy, lovely... There were no fishnet stockings or anything like that.
As I recall, they all wore white elbow length gloves, with a clutch handbag, as was the fashion... kitten heals and pointers. I remember one of the girls had on those trendy white ankle boots... very Twiggy or was it Mary Quant?... very nice... I don't know what it is about boots, heels and pointy shoes, but I do so love them, oh I do, I do, I do...I think, if memory serves me rightly, that two of the girls had blond hair, one cut long the other in a bob, the other girl I cannot remember because, by now, I only had eyes for my vision of wanton passion and her hair was dark auburn, up in a bouffant style,... quite tarty... but I like that!.
She stood out,... she just seemed to carry herself differently than the others... and her figure!... small and demure a true vision of loveliness, an hourglass figure tightly cinched at the waist.... Oh me!... Oh my!... Oh FUCK!....I had a growing pain in my loins that was fast becoming UNBEARABLE!. Viewing her from the feet up as all men do... she was wearing, white sling back pointers with a small kitten heel. Slightly tan coloured fully fashioned stockings with those glorious seams that run all the way up the back of the leg.... all the way up to heaven!.... She wore a smart, sexy, pale blue A line dress with matching jacket... a suit. Which I think was made from taffeta, it had a slight sheen to it. Every time she moved, she would rustle, revealing a bright flash of white crinoline and lace from her petticoat. The tight-fitting top or jacket which had white buttons right up to the neck, was hiding any cleavage, but I could see she had ample breasts, not top heavy, just nice, just right... ample... nice.... Oh wow...Oh God!...HELP!... That pain... that awful, goddamned,.. beautiful... unbearable... PAIN!...The whole look was finished off with a single strand pearl necklace with matching earrings. She really was lovely, striking, dare I say, stunning! With a lovely slim waist and upright posture, the way she moved and carried herself, I think the term is, got it....DEAD SEXY!!
She saw the look in my eyes, she smiled, her head tilted slightly forward and those eyes fluttered up at me... Oh, those deep brown eyes, or were they blue?... She looked down at the ground and then back up at me and smiled the sweetest, cutest smile. If I wasn't lost already, I was absolutely beyond hope now. She turned around slightly to reveal her figure and even adopted a pose, to which all the girls giggled, as girls do... but the giggling grew louder... and louder... and then the guys joined in… laughing... in an instant it was abundantly clear... they all new... I was.... that's right... I was... I was...a VIRGIN!!.. I mean why not tell the bloody world, let everybody know!... Ring up the family.... Let the papers know... Contact the Radio, the TV!...THANKS GUYS... Bastards!...
For all I tried not to blush, I must have blushed pinker than the pinkest pink thing there has ever been. I felt completely exposed, betrayed by events and as if naked before her and all present... The guys were loving this and having a great old time. Gone was any pretense of worldliness and manhood... Alas, I was undone!... It was clear that she could see right through me and she knew she was dealing with a true innocent!...
"What?...What do you mean?... How dare you!... I was… an innocent...once!... Honest!.."
This wasn't going to be just sex; this was an initiation and she would lead me through to the other side.
My French being poor and her non-existent English made for rather stinted conversation. Without a word being spoken, she reached out, took my hand and lead me across the street. We hurriedly walked together side by side, her heels clicking in the deserted street... Suddenly I felt her hand grasp my mine tight as she tripped on the cobbles... she pulled me in close to steady herself. Suddenly I found myself with my arm around her waist, our faces came close, only inches apart.... My face, bright red all over again!....Nearing the door, she grabbed at her purse and started feverishly hunting for her keys. Her pace quickened and I found myself some paces behind. Oh, how she moved... what is it about a woman's bum that is so alluring?... Well I have to say, I don't mind being 'allured' at all!.. This woman was pure sex on two legs. The swing of those hips the way that bum moved... and those legs!... oh God those legs!.. and that scent!… that intoxicating scent!... and Oh GOD!...The pain was back.
She was struggling and fumbling with the keys at the lock and lo and behold she dropped her bag... and... with no shame, she bent over double...from the hips... to pick it up... Right in front of me! She didn't bend her knees and squat down like a 'nice girl' would do, no, she hung her ass in the air for all to see.... right in front of my face.... Things were getting very painful now!...This was approaching cruelty to virgins!....Finally, she opened the door and invited me in.... 'Allez s'il vous plait entrez'... Her tone was calm and relaxed which helped me a lot. I got the impression that this might be something a bit special for her too, a first perhaps! I mean how many grown women get the chance to fuck a young virgin boys brains out? This could be kind of fun for her too.
In front of us was a stair, no doorways leading off, no corridors off to unknown places, just this unusually long... and... unusually steep staircase. It just seemed to go straight up...She reached out, gently grasped my hand and led the way. The stairs were so steep that I could see right up her skirt,...Of course, she was all too well aware of this fact,... and didn't she work it....For a short while there was nothing in the world but me and those legs...I kept saying, 'all I have to do is make it to the top of those stairs without exploding in my pants!... Deep breaths, that's it, think of Scotland!... what would Rob Roy do?'... As we climbed the stairs I was desperately trying to get a peek of her nickers but with all the folds of white crinoline and lace before me and those legs going up and down, up and down, the swish of petticoat against nylon,...and those stocking clad thighs... I lost my focus!... and like some god damn clown in a slapstick movie I missed a step and stumbled in a heap on the stair. Right at her feet!... She turned and when I looked up, there she was, towering above me, her hands on her hips, her legs apart with a stern scolding look... but in a rye humorous way. It didn't seem to bother her that I could see right up her skirt. But still I could not get a glimpse her knickers... At that point I could of sold my soul to see those knickers.
After a pause she laughed, we both laughed... I made to get up but she raised her hand to stop me, so I lay where I fell. She took one step backwards up the steps, still facing me, her eyes fixed on mine. There she was, towering above me, like some Venusian goddess... All this so I could get a better look, a good look, a real good look!...and I was looking... oh God yes, how I was looking, I was looking for Scotland!.... With legs straddled apart she slowly lifted her skirt.... Up it went, from just below the knee to just above the knee,...and her knees were so shapely and lovely,... higher,... up to halfway at mid-thigh,.. Thighs are great, especially inner thighs. I mean if you touch them, well, you know there you're going and I so wanted to touch.... With face transfixed... the skirt rose still higher until inch by agonizing inch it rose right up to the stocking tops... THEN STOP....... What!... No, no.. I can't see... nickers? nickers!.. Can't tell!... My eyes wide I took it all in and tried to calm down, really if I didn't get a grip, it would all be over right here and now. I was at fever pitch, absolute bloody breaking point....I needed those hips and that pussy or I was going to die!.. Before I could launch forward and surrender myself...the skirt dropped and the vision was gone... She laughed, more like a giggle, smiled... then turned and started to mount the stair looking back, beckoning me on to follow her. There with my head practically stuck up her ass, inches away from those stockings, you know, the ones going up and down, up and down... plus the sound of heels, the smell of flesh... Things were starting to get too much!... Oh, the god damn agony of it all, the pain! the unrelenting, aching, throbbing, PAIN!!!...Would I be able to hold on?!!... Would I find the self-control to complete the mission?... Oh god no!... What if I blow off in my pants right now...? no, no, No, NO,.. NO!

Do I make it to the top of the stairs?.. find out in PART 2

PART 2 -Wonder and Passion at the top of the stairs!.... coming soon!
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Your wish is my command. Love the world of Kink. Love being dominant, equally love being submissive, that is, if I'm in the hands the right Lady!