The Word R – In the world of HOTWifing

9:20 am Tuesday, 31st May, 2022


R stands for Respect. We all know respect is the basic foundation of a every relationship however the term gains more significance when we use the word – RESPECT in lifestyle. It encompasses the whole world of flourishing of a STAG VIXEN relationship.

In HOTWifing world
-Respect stands for giving yourself and STAG VIXEN the much required space to express themselves and not to instantly react and jump all over them for what they are and about their HOTWifing lifestyle . Rather than prejudging them self give them some respect by honoring them for being a STAG & VIXEN.
- Respect stands for PATIENCE. Its an commitment to couples that you do whatever it takes and take as long as it takes to testify your behavior. Patience reflects maturity. Give enough time to each other before indulging & unzipping your magic pants…Lol
- Respect stands for serving both STAG & VIXEN. Well I am not asking to try Bi side! LOL Serving the VIXEN sexually as per STAG fantasy. Their permission, their fantasies, their desires & off course their limitations too . Understand the basic rule, your existence is only because of they being STAG & VIXEN. No rules above it!

- Respect stands for Connection & Communication - Communicate your desires, feelings and express those which can help to enhance HOTWifing relationship however it doesn’t mean to flood their inbox. Connect with them intellectually & respect their time. Share how you feel. Ask questions. Show you care. Respect them for where they are. Communcation is a two way process so just not only express but make it a habit to listen to their responses. Always respect them by wanting to understand them and hear them !

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Gentlemen on the path of Euphoria & Ecstasy to Experience Fornicating Pleasure with Desirable Single Females, VIXENs HOTWifey & Aesthete Folks