Top 3 Cuckold Myths That Continue to Be Perpetuated

7:41 am Tuesday, 24th May, 2022


Myth #1 – A Woman Cannot Possibly Love Her Husband if She Has Sex with Other Men

I shouldn’t have to tell you that in this day and age there are many ways in which people can love one another and express those feelings. Of course a wife can love her husband and have sex with other men. Isn’t it a man’s most common come back to say, “it was just sex,” when he’s caught cheating? Why is it okay for a man to say this but not a woman? And in this case she’s not cheating because her husband not only “allows” it but enjoys her sexual freedom.Cuckolding is not about what you see in porn. It’s about a loving relationship whereby a woman, for whatever reason between that couple, has sex with men other than her husband. Something men have been doing for millennia. But it’s interesting that when a woman decides she’s going to be sexually free that men get offended and angry about it.Cuckolding is simply an off-shoot of swinging with the female in power. So how is swinging okay with men but cuckolding isn’t? Women are still having sex with other men with their husband’s permission. But the minute a woman controls her sex life and her man’s that just blows the misogynistic mind.When a man is adamant that his wife, gf or SO, will not ever, never, never ever, never fuck another man, that tells me he’s insecure. If you were truly a secure monogamous man you wouldn’t worry about what other people are doing because you know you have a solid relationship. Most secure guys just say, “that’s cool but it’s not for me, or us.” And that’s the end of the subject. They don’t go trolling websites about alternative lifestyles and then freak out on those who engage in them. So Mikey you may want to do some soul searching.

Myth #2 – The Wife Never Has Sex with Her Husband
This is a porn myth. Cuckolding has become quite bastardized because of male influence. Very submissive men don’t want their wives to have sex with them so they make up this garbage about not having sex with their wives.When cuckolding is done in a safe, sane and of course consensual manner, you always have sex with your husband because you’re not replacing him. See males read some fiction or watch porn and think you are automatic scholars on cuckolding. When in fact, what you read and what you watch is so far from reality that for many of you, you get disappointed when you see that’s not what it’s about. Now THAT is a psychological perversion.Most cuckold couples engage in sex this way maybe six times a year. It’s not every night the way it’s portrayed. Who the fuck has time for that? And I’ll argue this one til the cows come home. You aren’t cuckolding at all if you’re not having sex with your spouse. At that point you’re in a full time D & s relationship. [Sexual dysfunction notwithstanding] So that blows your oxytocin argument out of the water because you are still being intimate with one another.

Myth #3 – Cuckold Men Are Weak and Poor
Roy you do a lot of assuming in your comment. Like this:

“I am assuming Dr Sue here is female, so obviously you would love the lifestyle because you get to enjoy multiple dicks while your cuckboy husband would watch.”And“Most men who accept this lifestyle usually have low self esteem…”

The only thing you got right was, yes I’m a woman. But Roy is not the only one who thinks this way about cuckold men. Many men automatically go to the “cuckboy” moniker as a way to demean the male. Notice how it’s said as though Roy is spitting the words out. It disgusts him that men would engage in this behavior. And Roy has the right to feel that way, it’s cool. But Roy isn’t the only one who looks at men who enjoy cuckolding with vitriol.So many people think that because a man wants to see his wife enjoy her sexual freedom and power that it makes him weak. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When done correctly it takes balls-of-steel for a man to watch his wife have sex with another man and not only not freak out but actually enjoy it himself.My husband is in no way weak or wimpy. He is quite dominant at work just like every other male. He’s not even that submissive he just enjoys occasionally watching me have fun with other men. And he makes very good money. That’s another wacky part to this. It’s like men think that any guy who would participate in this is somehow mentally incapacitated and therefore must only work for minimum wage. Not true. Most cuckolded men are corporate heads and business owners.But I WILL say that Roy is correct in one aspect.“…they watched too much porn that they can’t differentiate reality from fantasy.”For so many of you boys who really want this type of lifestyle you have based it on some of the most fantasmagorical bullshit I’ve ever seen. You allow other men to come into your relationships and your lives and turn it upside down. You have this perverted idea that you are ‘loaning’ your wife to other men to be sexually obliterated. That’s not submissive behavior, that’s just twisted voyeurism and as I’ve said before, you need to ask yourself why you hate your wife so much that you want to see her sexually annihilated by men with giant cocks.But in the end Roy sums it up perfectly…“But if it works for you, more power to you, for me though, I’d like to have my girl all to myself and not share her with other guys.”It may not be for you, but don’t disparage those who do enjoy it.

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There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain.