A Word of Advice for Dominants…

8:03 am Friday, 20th May, 2022


This does not make you LESS Dominant… it makes you a human being with feelings and empathy. It shows you care. If showing this level of concern for your submissive makes you uncomfortable, then you have a problem… and it makes you a bad Dom.


10:01 am Monday, 23rd May, 2022 bencomodebo826


3:45 pm Sunday, 20th November, 2022 Desertjim17

SO TRUE. SO many call themselves a Dom and fail to understand this absolutely vital point. SO many subs are ruined or leave the life style because of en encounter with a bad Dom

2:27 am Sunday, 25th December, 2022 OpheliaisaVoy228

Those people are not dominants they are just selfish people who labeled themselves as a Dom. They should be called out andor taught better if willing to learn. 

Blog Introduction


Dominant with a romantic bent!