“There can be only one…”. No. - Part Two

10:17 pm Thursday, 19th May, 2022


The “Vintage Dominant”, is what is classically considered an old school Dominant by the BDSM community. These Dominant types are extremely well versed in the protocols and rituals surrounding the BDSM experience, both for the Dominant and for the submissive. They are usually very strict about the observation of those rituals and protocols too. This etiquette is essentially what they consider the backbone of what BDSM is in the classically accepted sense. A submissive should expect to be punished for stepping outside of those boundaries without express permission from this Dominant type. They generally expect their submissives to behave in a certain predictable manner for certain situations… those responses are generally trained into them by this type of Dominant. Rules, rituals, protocols, even speech is regulated by the style of these Dominants. In public you would never know any of this about the vast majority of these Dominant types, but putting on their roles in private, the things mentioned above are what you can expect when you engage with one of them. In many cases these types of Dominants are considered the “keepers of the flame” for the vintage style of BDSM, and if they’re active in the community they’re often seen as teachers and mentors. Communication once again is a key to success between the two of you… make sure you know and understand what’s expected of you as a submissive BEFORE you submit. That way both the Dominant you serve and you as the submissive will have a mutually satisfying relationship. The next entry will be about the “Pleasure Dominant” Type.


6:32 am Wednesday, 9th November, 2022 rlawsonsshel549


1:50 am Sunday, 25th December, 2022 OpheliaisaVoy228

Old guard is the term and it started in the gay community back after WW II. 

Blog Introduction


Dominant with a romantic bent!