How important is sex to a man

11:01 am Thursday, 22nd August, 2013


Thanks for taking time out to read my first ever blog. My quest today is to find out from ladies in relationships how important you think sex is to your partner on the scale of 1 - 10. My second question is, how important is sex to you in your relationship.

Your answers will inspire my next blog. Thank you for been a good sport.


12:23 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 eroticgoddess

After chatting with most men on here, I'd say sex is a solid 10 for them; this has been substantiated by relationships I've had.

As for me, personally, I swing between probably about a 5 and a 10 within a relationship. It depends on how much other intimate contact we have (talking, feeling close, etc). In a crap relationship, my desire for sex descends to 0. In a casual sex-based "relationship," sex is always a 10 or close to it.

12:24 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 eroticgoddess

ooops, mine got cut. The rest of mine should've read: In a sex based "relationship" it's always a 10.

3:58 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 Luv2sucU

Always had a very high sex drive which is one of the reasons why being single is so darn frustrating.

5:45 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 Skebbie

Kinky: Hmmm.....your situation sounds similar to mine :-)

Luv2: The cynic in me would say that, in that sense, it's even more frustrating to be in a relationship :-)

5:53 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 cityboyz6999

Since we all agree sex is as important as the air we breath, why do some women hold their partners to ransom for what seem like eternity(2week or more)
How do you survive without air for a minute?

6:07 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 Skebbie

cityboy: For 2 weeks or more, read "15 years or more" :-)

10:29 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 Luv2sucU

Cityboy, you ask

Why do some women hold their partners to ransom for what seem like eternity (2 week or more)?

Firstly, let's be clear about this, this doesn't apply to just women. There are many examples where the reverse is very much the case.

Secondly, I wonder whether or not you would find it more useful to
think carefully about why your partner is no longer interested in sex with you. You may well discover the answer is a little closer to home.

10:45 pm Thursday, 22nd August, 2013 cityboyz6999

@freakyfellaUK.. you are a legend

@Curvybird.. I understand your point of view however,been tired from the days activities is not a good enough reason.
You have men who are doing just has much work and come back home shattered and still go for it.

@Kinkygirl..You are right everyone here think sex is important but am sure we can switch off for a moment to be rational.

1:08 pm Friday, 23rd August, 2013 petet67

Please forgive but am I mistaken in believing this is a sex site:) Aren't we all here to be wanted and desired, isn't that what we truly crave to be appreciated?

10:25 pm Friday, 23rd August, 2013 cityboyz6999

oops sound like I've upset someone.I think we can wrap it up now. Thanks for all you views especially curvybird:)

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