My first mature, my first fantasy come true, my first and only Connie.

1:19 pm Thursday, 31st March, 2022


Back in the day, I spent a lot of nights over at friends houses during the weekends, this was a common thing to do when my parents were swingers and wanting some party time without any distractions, distractions being me. I had one buddy in particular who had a smoking hot mom. Ohhhh her name was Connie. Ohhh the beautiful and elegant Connie. She was also a member of my parents elite swinging crowd and she was always a party favorite amongst both men and women. When Connie wasn’t at my house getting it on with my parents or their friends, she was hosting parties of her own. Sleeping over on a party night with my friend was very rare. His mom would either kick us out or make us stay downstairs in the basement all night. Her guests would always arrive, mingle, have drinks, listen to music, and laugh at jokes. Unlike my house Connie never had other women as guests, it was all men. Closer to midnight, Connie would ask us to go to retire. As we left the house or crashed downstairs, my buddy was completely oblivious to what was about to happen in that living room. After we left, the activity in the living room would start to get quiet and the music would change and along with it, the atmosphere. This night, I swear my stars must have aligned because ohhh I got to see that Connie in her element. I remember staying up like I once did long ago on Christmas Eve waiting to see something I wasn’t supposed to. I waited till the time was right and pretended to go upstairs yo retrieve something but I was dead silent on my mission. Upon making it upstairs and down the hallway to the corner wall I could easily peak around and I just watched in awe. Her living room was always decorated like a Buddhist temple with draperies on the walls and fine art. This time there were tall full filled trees with tree lights casting leaf canopy shadows across the ceiling. I remember there were Moroccan candle lanterns hanging on chains through out the room casting shadows and stencils of light on the surrounding surfaces. There was an abundance of Incense burning on make shift alters filling the hazed room with an aroma of spices and flowers. Around the perimeter on the floor were little tea candles illuminating the draperies almost as if she was challenging them to catch fire. The music she had playing was erotic and yet very relaxing. The men, her guests, were strong and of Spanish origin. I swear these men came right out of an underwear catalog, they were mostly covered in tattoos and piercings. Ohhh Connie, She was definitely a queen and they were all her personal servants. They were holding fruit in bowls at her side and bottles or glasses of wine near her shoulders. Other men poised at her feet were patiently waiting for her demands. Connie sat on this chair wrapped in a red fabric that was elevated on a platform like a throne fit for a queen. She was wearing a white see through robe Sitting in front of a wall size painting of her self, naked with zebra colored skin. Connie was a TRUE goddess and I was surely in love with this woman. It wasn’t hard getting myself aroused watching her be treated like the queen she was with her servants pleasing her. When her robe came off shit went down . Each man had a task to do and and a role to play. Standing there watching her being satisfied, her fingers digging deep into the mens backs, her ankles twisting , feet pushing against the mens chests, I just couldn’t help myself. My body started becoming numb and my Legs weak. I pulled down my boxers and grabbed my throbbing cock in hand. I have never felt my manhood get so hard or pulse so fast like that ever. She was my fantasy, my unconquered territory and I knew I had to have her. It wasn’t untill a year or so later, I was invited over to hang out with my friend again. I’ve become accustomed to her late night orgies and had her schedule down to a science. This one night in particular, I made my way back upstairs and to that little yet priceless piece of carpet at the end of that hallway and started pleasing myself again watching my queen at work. Then the worst thing I could imagine happened, she caught me watching her in the act, she pushed the men off of her and yelled for me to go away. I half pulled my pants up and ran back to the restroom and down to the basement, man I was so embarrassed. I laid there on that couch all night knowing I had fucked up something fierce, contemplating what I could have done differently. I don’t think I had slept at all that night. The following morning Connie called me up from the basement to have a chat. She pointed at me and then pointed at a chair as if I was go invite to be questioned and interrogated for a crime I committed. She sat me down for a one on one conversation about what I witnessed and how she would like to keep it a secret. Honestly all I could hear was her voice muffled by the songs of enigma playing in the back of my mind from the night before. My eyes were glued to her white see through robe with her bright red nipples peeking out ever so slightly as if to say hi. Her beautiful curves were defined by the fabric that was pasted on her skin as if she had just walked out of a shower dripping wet. She was as close to perfection as any woman could ever be and I was as close as I would ever get to her. WAKE UP! She snapped her fingers at me to draw my attention back and looked at me with conviction. I told her I was sorry for doing what I did and I didn’t want to upset her or ruin her night. I explained to her that I was just curious and with following that without hesitation, I confessed to her about all the nights I snuck up and watched her perform. I told her about how I desired being with her and how l would please myself thinking of her every night. I told her I wanted to experience something like what I had witnessed but with only her. Ohhh Connie, she looked down at her lap, began laughing from deep inside, her shoulders bouncing up and down, her head shaking left and right. Tapping on the table top with her nails, she looked up biting her lip and placed her angelic soft hand on my cheek. She told me How I was sweet and thoughtful but assured me this could and would NEVER happen. Well skipping now ahead a few years and many relationships later, I decided to stop by and visit my old friend since I was in the area. Deep down inside I knew I wanted to see Connie once again. Man was I anxious since it had been years since I’ve seen her and our last conversation left me a bit vulnerable. Pleasantly, Connie greeted me at the door, she was wearing no makeup and a Metallica t shirt and from what I could tell nothing else. Ohhh Connie was still smoking hot. She told me that her son had gone to Florida to visit his father for the summer. She did however invite me inside to chat. We talked and laughed over a glass of water about the past years and my relationships and what we have been up to. She said I had matured a lot since our last conversation as she was starring me down, sizing me up. She smirked and asked if I still remembered that night and what I witnessed. My hands started to sweat instantly and I felt every inch of my body warm up 20 degrees. I think I may have even stuttered when answering her yes. She asked if I liked what I saw and if it turned me on. Ohhh Connie you had no clue. She asked if I was still curious and interested in learning new things. I quickly replied yes. She then asked if I was interested in learning about the human senses and the similarities they have between everyday use and erotic stimulation. WAIT WHAT? She caught me off guard with that one. I mean, my 20 pound sledge hammer in my pants that was getting bigger and bigger just deflated on the spot when the conversation took a turn in the other direction. I thought we were going to talk ourselves into her bedroom up to that point. Ohhh Connie, you got me on that one but boy didn’t I think i knew it all back then. She asked me to come back the following weekend if I was serious enough and ready to learn. She sent me away with a list demands first. Come back freshly showered and clean all over, no body hair anywhere, and oddly, to bring certain items from a grocery store. Boy I swear that was the longest week of anticipation I believe I have ever endured. That Saturday couldn’t have gotten here fast enough. So that Saturday finally came and I remembered arriving way way way to early. I parked my beetle a few blocks up the street and waited nervously like someone who was down on their luck watching the lotto ping pong balls pop up in those clear tubes on tv with my numbers on them. Finally that moment arrived and my numbers were pulled. I mustered up the courage to walk to her front door rehearsing what I was going to say. Ohhh that Connie, She greeted me at the front door in her regular mom outfit with no makeup on and her body hidden under an oversized t shirt. She invited me in and asked me to get comfortable as she retreated to her room. I found myself sitting in a familiar chair that was wrapped in red fabric, the room was set up like I remembered. I almost half expected a group of big strong half naked men to walk in at any moment off a photo shoot set, but strangely enough, It was only me. When she walked out of her room she was that exact goddess I had fantasized about and remembered in my dreams. The way she walked in that see through robe. The robe coming undone as if it was dancing with her every move. Her arms swaying left to right, her palms flat and fingers straight out. As she came closer her silhouette complimenting her beautiful curves grew bigger and bigger as did my pulsating cock trapped in my very tight pants. Her smile with those big cock sucking lips had me overwhelmed with excitement, I was so beyond myself, I was ready to explode. Her eyes gazed me down with poisonous venom paralyzing me instantly in my place. She slowly and softly leaned her body up against mine placing her knee on my crotch, she shifted her weight on her knee and half saddled my lap transferring all of her weight. She felt so warm against me, she smelt so sweet and I couldn’t wait to taste her. The candle light was glistening of her skin as if her serpent scales were made of diamonds. I knew my conquest was far from being over with her. She softly leaned down to my ear and quietly asked if I was ready to learn how to please a real woman. Then, with her lips touching my ear, she whispered “ Are you ready to surrender yourself to me, giving yourself 100% to me and doing everything I ask of you?” All I could think of to say at that moment, THAT moment, that GLORIOUS moment! that moment that I had been fantasizing about for YEARS! YES THAT moment! All I could say to her was “Why Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me? Ohhhhh Connie! thank God you had sense of humor. To be continued…

Blog Introduction


My desires are your expectations