ALPHA: The most Dominate and Desirable.

8:09 pm Tuesday, 8th February, 2022


.Deborahbusby. aka{Desire L. Destiny}Jan 30·16 min read ALPHA

So, I look inside my mind to find the girl I once knew the one that I lost on my journey. The girl is full of confidence, sex appeal and Sassiness, she could be outspoken and so naughty and fun. I knew her long ago but lost her some were, therefore I must search to find her again. I need to reconnect to be able to be the one that can melt into the Rhythm of the music and flow with the notes that hold my soul hostage. I want to float and feel the freedom in my heart that once was whole and could feel the pleasure of the sounds and beat cascading around as the body moves to the music with no recourse. I need to feel the desires of life, lust, love and being wanted not vanilla but metropolitan excitement with all its differences and idiosyncrasy for one to try. Find one self’s preferences of how one would change what is to what one could be. No more mundane just temptation and delight to taste to rouse the sensation that bursts upon the sense’s colours cascading through your mind. Heaven sent illicit emotions that flutter on the edge of possibility hitching the heart into a racing tornado of wanton craving, the desire of all new feelings and sensations that have appeared and come to the fore of one’s mind. To take these possibilities and explore what they mean, how they feel and are they wanted. Thrill looking for beyond vanilla that is what is needed to reach realms over and above those we have been to but not those yet to be discovered. The shivers course through my loins as your breath whispers across the skin of my throat. Temptation fluttering on the edge of my sanity as my heart rate soars to unbelievable heights, shall you walk this path that beckons or stand and waver on the crest of the wave to my ocean. Shall we take the step into the unknown and ride the surf of the Tsunami that crashes like the storm through my heart and mind letting go of all that keeps us steady on solid ground. Do I take the leap can I survive or will I drown in the storm of the ocean as the waves roll and cover me taking the very breathe that I need; You are the madness that calls constantly to me begging for the joining of our bodies to become embroiled in the passion that I have long awaited.1A Madness that I have yet to envisage as a living thing that I can touch, it just floating on imaginary clouds within my powers of reasoning. The embodiment of all that I do desire yet I have not within my reach. Why are you so far away from me when all I need is to touch you, hold you near feel the warmth of your essence surround me like a warm cloak on a wintry night; to have your breath whisper across my skin sending tingles throughout like electricity on the wire. Burning my very soul that constantly yearns for the fire that you create within me, why are you so far from me? Come to me my love I have waited much too long to be taunted by your ever distance. Now is the time to join our bodies and ride that tsunami together to entwine and unfold the passion that lies hidden within. Words are not enough to fill all the empty spaces that I have within me. You and only you can fill these spaces. You and only you can complete me, come hold my body close I surrender to you, to your magnetism bow down before the Alpha My Alpha. You are the world that I want to live in to be absorbed by to have your heat consume me like the lava from a volcano that has erupted with all core temperatures way above normal. Time this must be it, know I cannot wait any more the very thought of not having you here entering my body that has this constant craving for your physical presence. Come my Alpha take me, come let us start this fresh adventure to a new paradise. The Time is now The Alpha male is the most dominant and desirable of all men more successful than the other males. Respected and self-sufficient full of pride and loyalty to family and friends. Full of Attitude but always willing to walk away despite the knowledge gained and of their partners and belongings passionate and possessive beyond the norm. Warriors and leaders that are full of confidence and strength of character to be in control of all they survey, own, and conquer.2It started with the passing of our paths the tantalising aroma that hit my sense of smell as he passed by made my heart hitch and my head swing round to take in the person that had the wonderful aroma that trailed them as they walked away. God, can you believe that just a whiff of cologne mixed with his male scent could make me automatically react so strong like a bitch on heat it is ridiculous. I am a grown woman who has had many a man interested in me none of which started from a man’s aroma. It is laughable who would believe such a thing no one I know that is for sure. So why did my heart leap so high like it had electricity shot through it? Strange that is what it is, I have no explanation for this spark that sizzled. I let it pass without any more thought and go back to waiting for my friend to arrive whilst sipping my drink. Finally, donna arrives so I go get her a drink as she settles herself into the booth. One large glass of white wine and I get myself a dry martini being sick of the pop I’ve been nursing whilst I waited. Settling into the booth with donna we talk about the day we have had, nothing out of the ordinary just the norm for a Thursday evening we spend an hour chatting then get up to leave to go our separate ways as we are both at work tomorrow. Donna being a caregiver working in the community that was how we became friends working together, then I moved on to become self -employed as a massage therapist. I did continue working in the community for a short time until my client base built up. Anyhow that said I now work full time at my clinic as I have a wide variety of clients from sports people to those just wanting to unwind and relax. I Louise the proud owner of Tender Touch Massage Clinic. This is my new adventure and hopefully a little bit of financial security. I have agreed to open a little later this evening as I have a new client coming in after they have finished at a meeting, they have in the city. This is no hardship as I am fully booked up all day with no real gaps between bookings so there will be no hanging around waiting. That can be one of the drawbacks when there are large gaps between clients. An hour to kill is no problem as answering the phone and keeping the books up to date fills this time but anything more can be soul-destroying. So, the day is spent working on clients pulled muscles, frozen shoulders and general relaxation massages.36.30pm rolls around and the doorbell goes this must be the new client right on time I open the door and a smart-looking business guy is standing there I invite him in. He has a mass of dark brown curly hair with a matching beard and kind brown eyes I ask him to take a seat whilst I fill out a medical record card for him of any allergies, next of kin contact details and the reason for his visit. I then supply him with a towel and ask him to undress in the changing room and to lie prone on the massage couch once undressed covered by a said towel. In the meantime go and prepare the essential oils and talc’s for the massage these depend on how much body hair a person may have as to what is used on the skin to cut friction or any allergies they may have. I walk out of my office into the massage room to come up short as the guy is not on the couch laying prone but stood in all his glory of stockings, suspenders and bra and panties. Beautiful is the underwear all matching I ask him to take to the couch as previously requested and lay the towel across his prone body. I wondered if this was a setup by someone as a joke but I say nothing a great big grin keeps forcing itself on my face and I am so glad he can’t see me. I unfasten his bra strap so I can work on his back still trying to remove the smile off my face he has requested a full body massage for relaxation and to destress. I work as normal and he begins talking to me about his underwear asking if I liked it’ I tell him yes, it is very pretty he goes on to tell me where he bought it from and the cost. I ask him if he dresses this way every day and he replies yes but it is only because he finds it very sensual not because he is gay or a crossdresser. As I carry on working down his body, I notice he has a tampon inside his pants. This I do find odd but I say nothing and just continue working in silence until his time is up and then I leave the room after telling him to dress. I write some notes on his med card and then return to the room where he has dressed and looks every part a businessman as when he arrived. He makes a booking for a fortnight then leaves. I whip the towels off the couch to change them and replace them with fresh towels after wiping the couch down with surgical spirits. I stand-stock still with the same grin I had earlier and question whether that has just happened. I am meeting Donna after work in the local I am rather glad about that as I really need to tell someone about my encounter as I still feel as though it was a setup.4I walk into my local and scan for Donna she is sitting in our regular spot the booth by the doors. She stands but I wave her away and I walk over to the bar, I can see she has nearly finished her wine so I order her another with a dry martini for myself as I go to pay my heart hitches as the tantalising aroma, I smelt the night before hits me sending the same electrical currents racing through my body only this time the guy is standing beside me and I want to actually sniff him. What is wrong with me? Why does this guy’s smell turn me on so bad Bloody hell; a flush of heat races through me as I wait for my change, he leans in towards me and whispers heaven is but a breath away I stare at him like what the heck is going on. I collect the drinks and take them over to our booth donna asks who the dishy guy is shrugging my shoulders I tell her I have no idea. She purrs loudly and I roll my eyes at her then we both laugh out loud and continue to giggle like thirteen-year-olds. We look up as a shadow passes over us and he is standing there with drinks in his hands; he sets them down on our table and asks if he may join us. Sure, donna says take a pew I feel the hot flush creeping up my body again and his scent invades my mind and anything he may have said has passed way over me as I just cannot process a thing. He is introducing himself not that I knew this as my thoughts were way in the gutter, donna however is having a full-on conversation. She excuses herself to go to the ladies and he leans in again and repeats heaven is a breath away a shiver runs along my spine. Then he asks if I would like to experience it with him, I don’t even know his name Yes is the answer in my head to the question. Donna arrives back and asks Daniel if she can get him a drink as it’s her round he agrees and we continue chatting a few friends drop in and ask if we are interested in going on to a club Donna is up for it but I say I’m not in the mood and need to eat and get an early night, Daniel also declines and says he will see that I get home ok. The others all say their goodbyes and leave. We sit and finish our drinks then Daniel asks if I am ready to leave, I try to say he needn’t worry about me I can get home by myself fine. Daniel says he said he would see me home and that is what he will be doing as he told Donna and our friends. He calls a cab and I give the driver my address and Daniel relays his address which just happens to be closer than mine over the river So, the driver heads towards Daniels’s apartment which looks very grand when we pull up outside.5He invites me up for a nightcap I Know I should refuse but the heady aroma of him is assaulting my senses and my common sense has left my brain. So, we make our way up to his apartment in the lift and I enter his apartment with him. He turns to shut the door or so I thought but he advances on me and I back up against the wall where he kisses me tenderly on the lips then he grabs the back of my neck holding my head as he trails his other hand along my face and whispers this is where heaven can be found. Conflicting emotions are assaulting my mind, was I mad coming here? even though he smells delicious and yes, I want him. He could be a mad man an idiot or who knows what? Daniel continues to caress my face running his fingers down over my throat followed by butterfly kisses his breath lights the fire deep within my core. Oh god, I actually can feel my vagina pulsing with desire, bitch on heat comes to mind as before when I first smelt his aroma that Thursday evening. Daniel grabs my wrist and pulls me into him then walks us across the room he stops at the kitchen opens a cupboard and grabs two glasses then asks what I would like to drink; wine, spirit or something else. I opt for a wine Daniel pours then passes a glass to me and picks the other glass up. He then asks what made me agree to come up for a nightcap was it his charm, overwhelming personality or his animal magnetism. I wasn’t going to tell him it was the fact I lusted after his aroma. I say nothing just take a sip of my wine, Daniel puts his glass down crosses over the kitchen and leans against me, I can feel his erection as he kisses me and I respond; my mouth opens to allow him entry with his tongue it skims across my tongue, heat flushes through my groin and stomach and I know I’m wet he lifts me off the floor onto the kitchen counter then skims his finger across my panties so delicately it could have been an accident. He holds his hands against my thighs caressing with his fingers in circles moving up my legs till he reaches the edge of my panties where he lifts the panties and runs his fingers from both sides across my clitoris I gasp as I take in a breath and a shiver of excitement runs through me. Do you want me to stop he says against my ear? Hell, no I say he removes my panties and then flicks his tongue between the folds and then nibbles my clitoris and sucks it I grab a hold of his hair trying to steady the increasing waves of pleasure as I start to head towards an orgasm.6Daniel stops before that happens and I hear myself whimper, please I say, he tells me don’t worry princess we have only just started he picks me up and takes me to his bedroom where he removes my clothes and lays me on the bed, he then removes his clothes and joins me on the bed. Pushing my legs apart he returns to sucking my clitoris where he declares that I could never deny wanting him as I was so wet and ready. The orgasm builds then crashes violently sending spasm after spasm; he tears the wrapper of the condom and puts it on his penis that is stood proud engorged with blood, Please Daniel, I need you inside me he touches the folds of my opening with the tip then slowly enters me and stops while my body adjusts to his size. He then thrusts deep and holds it there for moment before starting to rhythmically thrust into me This is absolutely earth-shattering to me, I am at the edge of orgasm Daniel takes me over that edge and his rhythm increases until he also goes over his edge and we both cum together spasming as the waves reach crescendo then fall away and we both lie against each other in the afterglow. I go to move and Daniel grabs my arm asking where I thought I was going as we have only just begun the journey. He rolls off me and disappears through a door into what I assume is a bathroom I hear the sound of water and Daniel comes back into the bedroom scoops me up into his arms and carries me into the bathroom and the hot steaming shower that is running. He sits me on a ledge and grabs a sponge which he puts some scented soap on to and he lathers it over my body lifting first one arm then the other working his way over my body stopping to pinch my nipples then swilling the soap away to take them into his mouth. I take an intake of breath as I feel the sexual tension stirring within me, his manhood is raising its head and I find myself wanting to take it into my mouth. I go to slide off the shelf but Daniel stops me by forcing me back and spreading my legs apart so he can put his head between them. His tongue lashes across my lips and then concentrates on the vulva that is highly sensitive to his touch I lean back against the tiled wall as my climax begins to build. Then nothing; he stops leaving me hanging with built- up frustration I slide off the shelf and take him into my hand sliding down his shaft towards his balls, cupping them whilst licking the head and then along the shaft before taking him fully into my mouth.7I swirl my tongue over the head and touch the tip into the opening tasting the saltiness of the juices that have seeped through the opening. He tastes as good as he smells. I continue giving him head and Daniel now holds the back of my head as he ups the tempo as he tries to race towards his orgasm then he stiffens as his climax overtakes his body and he pumps his semen deep into my throat which I swallow as he ejaculates with each spasming thrust. I raise off my knees and Daniel kisses me as I stand wrapping his arms around my body. He continues to finish washing me and then shampoos my hair and conditions it as I soap him down, as I swill the soap off his erection is starting to come back to life this man is relentless. Turning the water off Daniel wraps a towel around his waist and another around me after towelling my hair. Lifting me he carries me back into the bedroom and places me on the bed he grabs a condom rips it open and puts it on he then turns me onto my stomach and raises my arse so I’m on my knee’s he kneels behind me and the head of his penis gently pushes through my vaginal lips and enters me. I try and force him deeper by leaning back against him as he thrusts forward. God this is heaven just as he said it would be one night and day of constant sex donna is never going to believe any of this. Me boring Louise sex goddess extraordinaire one time only magnificent lover. Who am I kidding I still cannot believe this has happened, that I am having fantastic Deep penetrating sex with a man that turned my head by lusting after his scent by just walking past me. Daniel has me gripped around the waist and turns onto his back with me still impaled on his shaft I am now in reverse cowgirl position and he runs his hands up my back as I ride into oblivion, I shout his name at the ecstasy that pulses through my vagina quivering deep inside me. My vagina walls clamp onto Daniel, this brings him closer to his orgasm that he continues to ride me deep until he thrusts hard and clamps his hands tight onto my hips as he pulses deep inside sowing his seed sweat rolling off the pair of us, I try to detangle from him but he keeps me impaled and rolls onto his side with me attached he kisses me with soft butterfly kisses down my neck and shoulders and then snuggles close and we both relax sated and fall asleep.8I awake to find I am alone in the bed looking around I see the bathroom door open but no Daniel so I scoot out of the bed and go to use the facilities. I wash and dress and make my way out into the main living area. Daniel is dressed casually in tight jeans and a white T-shirt with a casual shirt over the top he is in the kitchen cooking. I wander over he looks up and asks if I fancy some breakfast even though it is near late afternoon. I stand there thinking I am famished I could eat a donkey. Instead, I just nod my head to the question asked. We eat scrambled eggs and toast with tea to drink and fresh orange juice. Daniel asks what I am doing this evening I say going home to change and watch Tv. I carry the pots into the kitchen and start to wash the pots Daniel walks up behind me and runs his hands up my skirt I turn to stop him and he leans in kissing me. I stop him saying it is time I left; so, he says he will drop me I laugh and he looks at me oddly I say isn’t that what you said last night I never made it home then. He chuckles and promises to drop me at my door and he is true to his word.I let myself in and it feels very empty as there has been no heating on for twenty-four hours so I flick it on so the place warms up. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower I undress and step under the cascading water and let it run over my face until the warmth seeps into my body relaxing my mind and muscles, the tension eases away leaving me slightly sore as a reminder of my sexual encounter with the man that took me to heaven. The End Written by: Desire L Destiny. More from Deborahbusby. aka{Desire L. Destiny}


8:12 pm Tuesday, 15th February, 2022 merchnd045

Worthy of a slow sensual massage for the pleasure your tale brings to me .....

Blog Introduction


Young at heart and very open and  like an adventure but in a marriage that has faulted in a rut