Virgin Parties. Teens. Pure innocents - 1

4:39 pm Monday, 3rd January, 2022


Sam and Maria were invited to a party. One friend of theirs was celebrating his 21st. birthday. "What's so special about 21?" asked Sam. "Don't know?" Asked Maria, "Neither do I, will have to ask someone."

The place of the party was at Jerome's. His parents were out on a retreat weekend, which meant that they could blast the music and have a ball. He had invited all his friends. Some were paired up but the majority were still stag - with no partner as yet.

He had been on his toes, busy ushering in the invitees. Some came with their partners some came in pairs two guys or two girls. All were excited, they all knew that Jerome's parents were out. So no bars - they could freakout.

The music was loud. Everyone was shouting at the top of their voices, they all were in the party mood. All the lovebirds sat close together holding hands and were not shouting like the others. Instead they were talking to each other with their lips close to their partners ear.

There was Peter. He was alone he was the only one who had arrived alone. That was because he was a loner - that is, he was always alone. No one bothered about him because he did not seem to fit in with anyone else and he seemed quite content being alone.

Peter, was quite matured compared to the rest of the invitees. He had noticed that Sam and Maria were the most intense couple he had noticed that they were brazenly been kissing - something the others did not seem to approve of.

He watched them and the other couples as he sat there wishing he had a girlfriend like so many of his friends had. He noticed 2 girls who were sitting together in the corner and giggling together as they looked in his direction. He looked away, shy hoping they, who seemed like hep types, unlike himself - an introvert, would not pick on him.

They had noticed how he had been, openly, staring at the happy couples. One of them got up and moved towards him. He froze, he did did not know what to do. She was walking in his direction. looking directly at him. "Wanna join us?" she asked, shouting over the loud music, "there is an empty seat with us."

He got up and followed her. He was nervous, would they realize that he was shy? Would they dump him when they found out about that? "Hi," shouted one, offering her hand "I am Shirley. She is Patricia." she said. He shook hands with both of them, their hands felt so soft and smooth and small in his, it sent a jolt of electricity through him.

He was excited and confused. He sat down, "What is your name?" shouted Patricia. "Oh, sorry , I am Peter." He Peter shouted back, he could feel the shyness disappear. He had wrongly judged them they were really down to earth and friendly. "Got a girl friend?" shouted Shirley, searching his face.

"Er... You girls with some guys?" He shouted, trying to change the topic, not knowing what their reaction would be on knowing he could only wish he had a girlfriend. "I asked first." Shirley insisted shouting over the loudness of the music playing. "Well, er... no, what about you two?" he shouted back.

"We are lesbian's... you have a problem with that?" Shirley demanded shouting even louder hoping he would accept them. "Er... no, I don't have a problem with that. Its you chicks who take a dislike to guys." He shouted quickly. He was beginning to like these two girls and wondered what it would be like dating these two lesbians.

"We like you and wouldn't mind if you joined us." said Shirley. "Don't we Patricia?" said Shirley turning to Patricia. "Uh... I don't know," said Patricia "I am kind of... er... am getting jealous. I feel I am losing you." Patricia shouted back confessing. "What non-sense luv you know how I feel about you." Shirley shouted back.

"I am sure Peter wouldn't try coming between us. Would you Peter?" asked Shirley, turning to Peter. "Well... I have gotta admit," said Peter. "I have been getting some pretty naughty thoughts about us three." shouted Peter confiding cautiously. "I am feeling embrassed and doubtful about telling you'll about them."

He looked at them closely, wondering if they will like it. They faces seemed to brighten up. "Tell us... Common tell us." they both said in unison and laughed mischievously. "We would like to hear you out." said Shirley looking at Patricia for her approval. "Er... now I don't know about letting a male in, you know how we feel about that." said Patricia.

"Peter is different." shouted Shirley. "come on Patricia open up... will you?" she added. "Well girls," shouted Peter. "I have wondered about you lesbians. It excites me just thinking about getting involved with you'll. he admitted. "I have never felt ackward about being feminine." he added proudly.

"I am kind of proud of being gentle and careful and the guys don't have any problem with me." he added. "I don't think I behave girlish like a panzy. Do I?" he explained. "I might not be good at the rough and tough games guys play," he admitted "but they praise me for my artistic talents, I like drawing and they think I am pretty funny."

"OK." said Patricia, "we will check you out. But you better be warned," she said sternly. "I think you guys are weird. How do you live like that?"
she questioned without a care in the world. "You can look at it this way Pats," said Shirley "with Peter, being a guy, I am sure we will be able to get along with him, we can check out these weird creatures, you call guys."

"OK, but for the rest of this party, don't expect me to tolerate him." said Patricia. Yuk. I cannot stomach him, you can put up with him if you like." she concluded as if she was abandoning Shirley. "You are feeling ambarassed about liking him arn't you? Shirley teased her "Come on now, you will have to admit it to yourself someday."

.... To be continued.


4:43 pm Monday, 3rd January, 2022 patb675

Dear friends, lovers and readers. I like writing stories, just like everyone else does. I can write at any intensity. I would like to know what type of story is preferred. Innocent, adult, or erotic. Please comment. Thanks.

Blog Introduction


I'm 57 years old, living in the Mumbai region. I'm interested in meeting a woman aged between 30 and 90.