Where Did All the Fun Go?

9:54 pm Monday, 10th June, 2013


I have loved being part of this site but recently there have been people who have ruined others fun in rooms to the point of making others leave.
There has been alot of snide comments and sly behaviour going on that is ruining it for me too.
I have had pm's telling me (more like threatening me) with being publically "outed" by someone who has knowledge about me.
I have tried to ignore the instigator in all of this but have found myself reacting to comments made which has made me pretty miserable at my own behaviour - I know I'm better than that.
The other night was the final straw - another member (after pm'ing with my "friend") posted about hating bullies and that they were scum. Now it takes alot to make me cry but that did it for me.
What confused me more was the reaction to it - if a friend of mine was called that I would have replied and stood by them but some just carried on chatting – maybe I expect too much?
I am now considering if I need to leave the site – it should be fun and not checking to see if someone is in the same room as you (except they sit in every room)
I'll give it a few days and see how I feel then x

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