Ready to DIE or save your life

2:49 pm Sunday, 6th December, 2020


I want to tell the reader that this is a true story.
I would like to take you back to February this year; I noticed that I had a small like pinhead hard skin between my left index finger and my Thumb, It was the same structure has a Veruka. I did the normal thing and picked at it; this left a small hole that soon healed up.
A few weeks later it appeared again, so I picked at it again with the same result. I also noticed that a small lump with redness had developed. I had an appointment with my Podiatrist. And would ask her for professional advice with this she informed me that it was not a Veruka and to see my doctor.
By this time we are now on lockdown with Covid19 and can only get a telephone appointment, eventually, I do get a personal appointment. The doctor sends me for an x-ray to see if as grown into the bone of my Index finger and gets me an appointment with a dermatologist. On seeing the dermatologist, she informs me that my immune system is shutting down she asked me have I have any more like this on my body this was the third time I was asked this question with which I replied no. she called for Plastic Surgeon advice on inspection. To which I was told it would be better in a bottle in a lab than on my skin, again I was asked have you any more on your body the same answer was no. Well, you have got cancer of the skin, and your immune system is closing down. I am on a drug for Crohn's disease called Azathioprine. This could cause cancer; with this advice, I all sorts was going through my head like unprotected sex and HIV. The best thing I can do is give my Doctor another telephone call and see if I should stop taking the Azathioprine. The Doctor informed me that it was not this drug that was the problem has I have a three-monthly test, and all test proved negative. So has my weight loss from 12.4 down to 11.8 in four days. More spots now showing on my body. Me laying in bed not able to sleep through the worry of having HIV. How stupid I have been on not insisting on protective sex. Thinking how do I tell my wife and family that I have contracted HIV. It is not the stigma of having gay sex but the stupidity of not caring, these circumstances on how it would affect the family. I had no other option to ask the Doctor to send me for a blood test for HIV. While waiting for the test to come through, I inquired regarding the symptoms of HIV. With my symptoms, it had gone past HIV and turned into Aids. You can now understand what thoughts are going on in my head, like driving over a cliff in my car. All this just because a selfish person would not wear a Condom and I was so idiotic on not insisting he should wear one. But it is all too late now the damage is done. And you have to realise your life will come to an end in 12 months to 3 year time. All because someone else took a selfish attitude in insisting that he had sex BB. also it was my stupidity to let him. The next time you are having sex BB think of this true story and save your life while you can. Use a Condom or walk away. On conclusion of this story, these are the thought that was going through my mind while I was waiting for the HIV blood test results to come through. The good news was that they were negative, and the cause of the Cancer was the sun. The operation to remove it was a success, and I have learned a big lesson on unprotective sex. Save your life insist on a CONDOM


12:54 am Sunday, 3rd January, 2021 petersmi2000

good ad vase espesley with this virus thing going about as well  

6:37 am Friday, 12th February, 2021 Mark9900lancs

A very honest, reflective, direct and salutary piece of work 

10:43 pm Tuesday, 2nd November, 2021 Mike 58

Jesus that was a scary eye opening story. Thanks for sharing and waking us up to the possible consequences. 

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