Questions to Ask a Prospective Dominant

7:07 pm Wednesday, 28th September, 2016


Questions to Ask a Prospective Dominant
:: smiling kindiy upon Lady _______ ... then pulls forth Me own list of questions that Me hope may, at the ve' least, stimulate thought as one considers how to get beyond that level of lust and passion to peek at the person underneath ::

(Hence Me compiled a ve' basic list of those things discussed tween Me and Beloved at the beginning of Our relationship... tis Me hope that such can stimulate one's own ponderings that will lead to their own creation of questions which are important to them. It tis from tis motivation that Me share the following.)


How much time can You devote to my personal welfare, both as a person and as a submissive... and in what form would such attention take...?

In what ways will You assume responsibility for me...?

By what principles will that responsibility be guided...? Do We share these principles?

How do these principles reflect Your practice of monogamy/multiples...?

Do You feel called to mentor or train other submissives and if so why...?

How would such mentoring/training affect Your responsibilities to my care...?

What motivates You as a person and why...?

How is such motivation reflected in Your practice in tis lifestyle...?

What are Your views concerning sharing...?

What would You expect my level of commitment to be and why...?

How would my concerns be incorporated in Your care of me...?

How would my personal goals be met in Your care of me...?

What is Your response to emotions expressed such as crying, swooning, anger, etc. ..?

Do You Top others and if so... what pleasure is derived for You...? If You do not Top others... why...?

What tis the satisfaction You derive from Domination and how would tis enhance Your care of me...?

How do You respond to lust in Yourself... in lust being directed at You from others...?

How do You derive satisfaction for Your ego... what are Your ego needs...?

What is Your feeling about public scening... would i be required to do such and why...?

What does perfection mean to You... both in regards to what You are striving for... and what You expect me to strive for...?

Are the emotional aspects of tis lifestyle incorporated in other aspects of Your life and if so, how...?

To what degree can i personally hold You responsible for my needs/wants/and desires being considered if not fulfilled ...?

What displeases You and why...? How do You express displeasure..?

(Assuming You are not a perfect person just yet) where have You found You are most selfish and how do You deal with it...?

What other responsibilities do You have in the real...?

How will You balance those responsibilities with Your care for me...?

What qualities do You value most in Yourself and others... why...?

What aspects of the D/s relationship have You found most challenging and why...?

How have You handled these challenges in the past...?

On what basis have You selected Your partners in the past and why...?

What have been the reasons for Your parting from past partners...?

What can i expect from You coming from such experiences in Your past...?

i know this lifestyle can bring up issues of great emotion, ie past trauma, issues of self esteem, how are You prepared to handle such...?

How is Your responsibility different from those You have Topped as opposed to those You thought to enter into a more deeply commited relationship with...?

What was Your view of the submissive's role in first entering in tis lifestyle...?

How has that viewpoint changed... and what do You account for the change if there has been any...?

What responsibility do You take for cyber relationships... (friends, associates, lovers, etc.) and why...?

Are You presently involved in any committed cyber relationships and if so, how would it affect Your attention and care for me...?

Would You be upset if You found Your submissive involved in a committed cyber relationship with another and why...?

To what degree do You prize technique. And does such a feeling enhance or detract at times the degree to which You can take responsibility for Your submissive or bottom...?

What form or style does Your love/lust needs take...?

Have You ever lied, cheated, deceived, injured, manipulated a sub against that sub's will (in other words participated in nonconsensual acts... both in cyber and real) in the whole of Your history and if so, what motivated it...?

How would You handle such temptations now and why...?

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