The 4 W and the only H.

3:26 pm Monday, 1st August, 2016


Greetings & Salutation. Haha. XD

Yeah. The 4 What, Why, Where, When and How is a very good point to start a blog. Anyway, if someone asked me how to take their virginity, I'd be glad to share them my past experience (you guys can share too in the comments). ;p

My past years of exclusivity sex with a girl ended up in her marrying another guy (yea, no worries, he's a good guy and prolly be able to take care for her, and I moved on. Sorta. Maybe. Possibly. Yeah.... Haha) So, I did sexplore a lot of things with her. Obviously I did my full on research on sex and how to please the lady rather than completing my college assignments. XD

Managed to get her to squirt when she said 'Oh no~! I can't~! I'm not those girls who can spray you with that hot stream of liquid~~' Uhuh, and she squirted while I played with her like my own PS3 joysticks. Then she started to 'believe' that squirting is a good way of 'releasing' one's stress or anger or whatchuwannacallitmajic. XD (Girls, please don't be shy and squirt as much as possible. It feels good when you do. Better if you don't fake them. It's almost the same when you heard guys peeing in the loo and they'll go 'Aaahhh~ Yeah~~ that'll do~! <- when actually they are pissing and feeling good at the same time). XD

Also I had sexperience making the girl came 7 times a day. Yup, 7 times. I'm not bragging but the guys who knew their girl that couldn't cum easily understands this. You see, not all girls can cum easily. Some require stimulation, some requires foreplay, some requires 'music' (yep, ikr), some has their own blend of sexiness activity before you can go swimming with them. So some girls like from my sexperiences, she can't cum easily because of the 'setting' we're in. :->

So today's 4 W we'll go with the Where? :p

Where have you sexplore before? :p

(anything that involves pre-sex and sex itself; e.g. lifting her bra and sucking her milk; or stroking his penis with your hand in his pants while in a cramped train; do share) ;p

Here's a few for you to indulge your thoughts where I've been:
a) In the bathroom (anywhere; hotel / home)
b) In the car (oral; we can switch and take turns until each of us cum)
c) In the public toilet (total adrenaline rush!) XD
d) In a public bus (yep, same technique as the car just make sure you to pick random hours and a long ride)
e) In the forest; in a camping tent (at night, it was bliss!)
f) On the apartment staircase (yeah, gotta watch out for peeps passing by) XD

There are a few other places that I'v done but I'm trying to recall the memories since it's been 6 years ago (which I shouldn't cause I don't wanna break my heart no more). -_-

Like I said, all girls have their own way of feeling safe when having sex. Some don't like to be watched. Some like to be gawked at (these girls are easily the best when it comes to homemade vids; we should have a section for The Adult Hub Hall of Fame) XD

Some girls like it when there's romantic atmosphere; some like it when there's people around (yeah, behind the bush and start outdoor fun each other while the cats ditto from on top of the tree) XD

Some girls like to be wooed; some are direct. (Whatchu starin' at foo? These titties ain't gonna popped out itself!) XD

So if you met a girl, be nice and treat her gently. Ask her where she liked doing it (not her pussy, I'll smack you silly if you ask this to them, duh!) as in places, locales, or anything that she like to do before going swimming (i seriously am looking for a sex partner and would like to try it in the ocean XD).

So be a cool guy and find out her 'favorite spots' that she love and you be home cumming... I mean home running before the next dawn. ;p

If the girl is comfortable in the place of her choice, then 'serenade' her with her attributes and let's cum fly...I mean let sparks fly and have fun doing so. :DD

Guys, remember girls/ladies are different. They are uniquely them. Guys, please don't be a bitch ass nigga and woo that girl like she some beyatch. She ain't no bitch, not all of 'em (well, unless she likes to be called one; better, in public). XD

Maybe next time I'll write down on the Y. :-?

What should the topic be......? 'Dating on the Y? I wonder...

PS: Apologies for the lazy English as it's not my native tongue but I suppose it delivers the message. ;p

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