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"polygamy" and "social monogamy"

9:09 pm Wednesday, 1st July, 2015

why people like polygamy ?
why people swing or want to swing ?

i was asking this questions my self. this are not the questions u can ask some one. so i started reading and analyzing on google and youtube documentary.
i tried to have some scientific explanations.
what i did find is shockingly simple and self explanatory.
human being was never a monogamous creature, as per the evolutionary scientist. its in there nature or in there DNA to mate with multiple sex partner, multiple sex partner was necessary for survival in the early evolution stage of human.
its very recent not more then two thousand years ago when idea of complex society evolve, law makers decided to get a string on this exercise, complex society generated idea of monogamy, among the many reason of exercising monogamy one of the top reason is securing wealth and family name, anyway its a long talk, i wish to write more details about that some other day.

8:25 pm Thursday, 9th July, 2015

In deed you are right , Human being never been very much monogamy, and we all realize but can't express ourselves. if i am or some one monogamous then why he or she look at and get attracted by some other men and women on the streets, parties, events, television and even on internet ? ... thanks for sharing your thoughts ... img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

3:49 am Sunday, 4th December, 2016

Very thoughtful... swinging is also started based on the same concept, equality. both the partner should enjoy and had the fun.

8:28 am Saturday, 10th December, 2016

Yea Hs thanks for writing. It was necessary for BANGLADESHI SWINGERS to know. Hope to see detailed outline soon. 

11:00 pm Wednesday, 14th December, 2016

well said 

1:01 am Wednesday, 11th January, 2017

Thanks for sharing. I have read similar scientific theories and completely agree with them. Let's fuck the society which forbid fun and natural desires 😘

2:09 pm Wednesday, 15th March, 2017

makes sense

9:37 pm Friday, 21st February, 2020

Take me

8:25 pm Sunday, 23rd February, 2020

Men haven't really evolved much lol.. and don't think they will either, they think with their u no what....

7:01 pm Thursday, 21st May, 2020

Pls update thanks for the intro 

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couple from dhaka looking for....

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