50 shades of not quite right.....

12:28 pm Friday, 6th March, 2015


I heard on the news this morning about the woman who sent her 11 yr old son to school, dressed as Christian Grey.....in the name of world book day!!

What on earth could this woman have been thinking to even comprehend that that was acceptable??? And to top it off she didn't have a clue what she had done wrong and didn't know what all the fuss was about??

Surely she can't be that naïve.....or maybe she was fully aware but just didn't give a toss?

Your thoughts please fellow bloggers.....


2:37 pm Friday, 6th March, 2015 Fetch1

Ludicrous ! The idea of impersonating a character for World Book Day is not a bad one but i would have thought a pirate from Treasure Island ,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or a Harry Potter character would be more applicable for an 11 year old.
The mother seemingly has very limited experience of the many hundreds of classic books and stories there are available to choose from.
I will admit that ,at that age I would probably have gone as Biggles or possibly Horatio Hornblower.The only figure of a sexual nature in literature at that time was Mellors the gamekeeper from Lady Chatterly's Lover ,but i don't think that would have appealed to me.
The mother in question was very likely, thick ....and that's the reason she didn't give a toss.( the two tend to go hand in hand )

2:49 pm Friday, 6th March, 2015 Dixy691

I agree with you! what was she thinking....at the same school a lad was dressed as Dexter the serial killer...mind boggles at the parents!

5:15 pm Friday, 6th March, 2015 zaggaz2UK

winnie the pooh would ave been better cristal lol

11:56 pm Friday, 6th March, 2015 Gasconcouple

50 shades of stupid more like! Totally inappropriate!

6:08 am Saturday, 7th March, 2015 blackthrobbinator

i wont to no why it when in the scummy newspapers ..i mean cable ties and eye mask..i mean did he want to tie the eye mask on his bike i mean wtf is all that about??img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

11:53 pm Saturday, 7th March, 2015 doktorzook

I tried really hard to give a toss, but couldn't quite manage it. Would dressing him as a fictional vicious murderer (say Long John Silver) actually be any better?

5:23 am Sunday, 8th March, 2015 Fetch1

What a pity that this blog has descended into a slanging match. Cristal addressed a serious subject, the sexualization of young children and there have been some very sensible responses to this
May I suggest that those who seek to bicker here, that they break the habit of a lifetime and go and read a couple of books. I would recommend ' How to win friends and influence people ' by Dale Carnegie.

7:14 am Sunday, 8th March, 2015 74camino

OED....Oxford English Dictionary.... fyi summer

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