People who love sex and people who donr

1:09 pm Monday, 16th February, 2015


OK im trying my first blog post. well to be honest im in a sad and a broken mood. wondering what to do and how to speak out what boils inside.

Well the topic I selected came into play because impossible as it may seems to most of us (assuming most of us on this site loves there share of sex), there is a group of people who actually do not like sex. (I know its hard to believe it ) . well further looking at different characteristics, ive come to notice that while type A (people like myself and most of you out there) craves for sex, sexual experiences, fantasies and sexual adventure, thrills from exhibitionism etc etc there are the type B's who simply dont like sex. These group of people consider sex as a burden, a duty, a negative thing, a shameful thing etc.

Well to be honest im married to a type B. well she looked as if she was a type A before marriage but once the chains were secured her real self was exposed. /after many years of marriage, difficult times arguments and heartbreaks we have established somewhat of a ok relationship. But as far as our sex life goes, once a month is what happen usually and twice if I'm lucky. lol .

Can you imagine how having such a partner will effect you is when you want to explore more. A type B partner will never want to explore the possibilities of threesomes, swapping, exhibitionism and anything that even comes close to those topics. so for sexually active partners who are married to type B's it can only be a living hell if they dont find happiness in something else.

But one thing im baffled about it where love and lust crosses its line. I have pictured a zillion times where i get myself out of this marriage and living happily ever after but when you are in love and when your wife doesn't hate you, it seems like there is absolutely nothing to do.

well writing my feelings dont seems help me but rather make me feel even down.
so im gonna stop now and maybe catch up later

Well I can hope only for one thing...... some excitement in my life to keep me going.

Will I get it?
Guess i'll have to find out myself


10:07 pm Monday, 16th February, 2015 Diamondjelly

I bet 99% of people on this site are in the same position. I know I am x

12:13 am Tuesday, 17th February, 2015 Brinton222

GDF & DJ, Snap

12:21 am Tuesday, 17th February, 2015 godofuk

@Diamonjelly its a relief to know im not alone on this one. Thanx

10:32 pm Tuesday, 17th February, 2015 novicecouple69

You are not alone

5:42 am Wednesday, 18th February, 2015 joker48

Yep it sucks!!

7:51 am Wednesday, 18th February, 2015 godofuk

Thanx guys. Novicecouple you wanna talk about it privately?

10:52 am Friday, 20th February, 2015 lickgspecialist

you have hit the nail on the same here

12:34 pm Monday, 2nd March, 2015 godofuk

thanx guys. Its relieving to read all the supportive comments

12:50 pm Monday, 2nd March, 2015 MikenKaren69

Karen and I hit rough patch. Talked 2 sex therapistmarriage counselor. She felt like stresses of fam, work, cleaning and daily life were dragging her down making her feel tired. I tried sharing more of that burden and we started doing it more. We started talking in bed were a lot of fantasy talk worked its way into reality. Plus never underestimate the power of alcohol to spread her legs for you and others. That's why it's liquid courage. Good luck friend.

Blog Introduction


Looking for ladies for some NSA fun