Lifestyles improve your own sex life!

5:51 pm Saturday, 22nd November, 2014


Well, my wife and I are still pretty new to this whole scene and our extra-partner experiences remain rather limited. However, despite how difficult it can be to find and click with another couple, let alone meet with them and engage in adult play, the pursuit can nonetheless prove satisfying within your own marriage. Since joining the hunt, our sex life has jumped in leaps and bounds.

What was once normal married sex followed by a kiss and 'love-you' roll-over, snore, has blossomed into sexy talk, fantasy sharing and relieving hot experiences through our joint memories.

"Remember when she grabbed you like this?", as she squeezes me in like fashion and we embrace in renewed passion. "How about that time we did it while those two watched?" and we assume the same position and imagine our former partners sitting where they were. "Lets do that double oral again, but this time I want use my tongue like this..." --demonstrates--...

Okay, its time to get back to the hunt! New memories are waiting to be made :)

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