A's journey, Pt 2: Intro to "O"

11:20 am Friday, 21st November, 2014


I will switch into a "story-teller's shoes" from now on, writing like a third person watching even though (hopefully) I will be one of the involved for a fair period of time.

A was introduced by Jo to the "Story of O" as he recognized quickly - and she told him very openly as well - that her submissive nature comes close to what O experienced. She hadn't heard about that book which wahs astonishing to Jo as she was liberal in mind but obviously in the few years after unchaing herself from the "classical marriage stage" she had too much things on her list and reading such erotic literature had not been on the top priority. When travelling along the coast to and from the swingers club A visited with Jo, he told her about that story and he asked her to conduct certain manners like not closing or crossing her legs, not wearing panties. In the beginning she did not clearly understand ... having missed the vital information from that book.

But when Jo insisted, she felt herself being curious, feeling the demand from her erotic part of brain to aquire more background abozt what Jo proposed as s "well fitting style". So, she investigated and found some trailers of the film in the internet. Watching them, she got tensed, her lips started to tremble and shw could not help to get wet, finally discovering herself to masturbate without having recognized it, swinging in between the worlds - the real one and her fantasized one. She realized a wild desire to be led by a strong male giving her backup, making her save but at the same time demanding to be extradited to other people, male, couples and maybe finally another lady.

Her thoughts went nuts, she could not help to again live through the experience she made with Jo, just a few days before ...

Jo had invited her to another visit of a swingers club up the coast. Not too unusual as both had visits to swinger clubs before. Each time, "A" dipped her toe into even colder water recognizing the warmth of it finally. Quite vary on the first times, but as Jo knew a lot of people in that lifestyle and introduced her to couples like Domi and Angi, Jo magically broke the ice almost instantly entrenĂ­ng the clubs, making every visit a unique experience on her way to a more liberal life. Educated to be more selfish by allowing herself to "consume whats on offer" but at the same time inviting others to her beautiful body and therefor giving back pleasant rewards at the same time.

This time, however, it should different. She should be on exposure for the first time in her life. Jo announced this to take place "some day" before, but she did not expect it that fast. On the way to the club, Jo disclosed a few facts to her that he sectretly prepared the days before Little by little she got to know what she would receive - and asked to give - in that night: An almost private orgy with - given her background - loads of hands, mouths and finally cocks.

Yes, she felt a mix of shiver, warmth, she could even hear the crackling noise in her daydream repeating that movie that was burnt into her brain from that evening: They arrived a bit late, two guys already waiting for her. This jounger, crispy Anton, tall for a spanish guy, a bit shy still but demanding, eager to experience "A's" body. David, an English gent in his fifities, charming, dark voiced. He added another component to calm down A, as hear heart was beating up to her neck. And the there was Juan, another spanish guy, a bit shy also but his eyes could not stop screening A's body. They met him on the way to the club, having dinner with him in a Tapas bar. Jo encouraged him on the way from the Tapas bar to the parking lot to look at A's bum when he liftes A's gown giving free sight to her beautiful back, being framed by the black gown, the black stockings and her white thights being a beautiful contrast to the dark shimmering, wet street that he could see through. He could only guess the pussy of A. Whe she was walking and Jo holding the lifted gown, every now and then he wondered to see A's vulvar.

Finally, in the club, A was offered a drink, being surrounded by the four male. She felt eager, but she could not allow herself to show. Jo was standing behind her, hins hands running down her back, reaching her bellies column. She felt this one finger's force being pressed firmly but diligent against axis, going thrugh her furrow to finally find her semi-wet cleavage. She felt his breath on her neck, and she wished to feel his lips and teeth to slurp away that shudder that started to rund down her back. But no. Instead, she felt his hands tight on her breasts, forcing her to lean back. The she heard him whispering his demand: "Put off your garm. NOW." It cut down deep into her brain. She was not prepared nor ready to to it. She replied. "Please, please give me a bit more time". Jo's hands released, letting her free.

With no answer he took his glass, sipped, toasted to the other men. She was not aware if the other guys would have recognized her disobedience. Astonishingly, Jo seemd to not be worried at all! He smiled at her and she could read in his eyes: "Honey, you WILL make this in a few minutes, be sure! No excuses then!".

The other guys talked to A, but it was hard for her to follow, Her thoughs circulated. What would be next? How long would be her grant period? How would he force her to get undressed, exposing her full neckedness to everyone around her?

Luckily another couple entered the club and gave some distraction to the group. Introducing everyone took a little while but like a shadow, almost inexpected, Jo was suddendly again standing behind A, fingereing her on her inner thights, pulling his middle finger through the groove between her legs. She felt both hands coming up her front again, finally reaching her breasts. She got moisty if that was even possible because the first action already took its results. She was struggling, fighting. Yes there's this bitch in her. That bitch that wants to get exposed, touched, taken. But what about the good girl? Years of training to never open her legs, allways protect the triangle did the job. Would desire win over education?

Jo woke her up. He did not leav it to her. He pressed his limb against her belly forcing her triangle to get closer to the guys. A could not see it, but the felt the result: Jo blinked to the guys to put their hands on A. to her tits, her pussy. She got dirty. Wet. Dripping wet. She could feel how liquid the flow was trying to exit her hole. Hands forcing their way between her legs. All in asudden she remenberd Jo's demands: You will never close your legs. Before she could react, she heard Jos cutting whisper: "OPEN YOUR LEGS!" She did and fell into a daydream. Too much happened now, turning her on more and even more. A sought. Her breath was heavy. She silently prayed Jo to order her action ... and there it was: He pulled the gown up. She literally felt the beam of illumination on her inner tights, enlightenning that eager flesh. When Jo finally pulled voer the gown to carefully put it aside, she was all prunience. Hornieness took over.

She could stand the pure hornieness only a few minutes longer. Her juices ran down her tights. She was all lust. Finally she drew two of the guys towards her, tightly gripping their wrists, pulling them into the next room to end up on that large bed. Jo and David followed. A found herself willingly being surrounded by this men, forseeing and eagerly wishing, to be taken by all of them. All night long ...

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charming openminded no strings attached for female, couple, group