Moments of Pleasure.....

12:33 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014


Now I've been here a while (probably far too long) and I've read lots of blogs (probably far too many). In that time I think I must have read a blog about virtually every physical action possible. Some to make you go ooh, some to make you go aah, some to make your eyes pop, others to make your toes curl. And some..... Well some just make you feel a bit nauseous and quickly click on another blog fast! In all that time I'm not sure I've read a blog about the initial point of erotic contact, that intimate moment when your defences are finally lowered and the mutual enjoyment of each other can finally begin, yes I'm talking about a simple kiss!

(Waits for the comment "Actually there was a blog on this subject in 2010 it was a Wednesday night just about tea time and I had recently finished the Daily Fail crossword....etc")
If there was I don't remember it so please accept my apologies.

Personally this weird action of lips touching lips (and anywhere / everywhere else you enjoy) is a massive part of sex and maybe, just maybe the purest part of it...
That first second when you look into each others eyes and kiss for the first time.... Does it ever get any better from that fragment of a moment when you first touch?
Is it the moment when boundaries are broken? When you know new possibilities are open to your imagination? When barriers crumble and anything can become reality?
Is it ever forgotten?

Or maybe you couldn't care less! Maybe its just one of the processes you have to go through to get to the real nitty gritty? Maybe its just a pointless paragraph in an open book but you've got to read through it in order to enjoy the rest? Maybe you just don't like it?......... Is there anyone out there who really feels like this?

Is kissing all its cracked up to be? Do you share my feelings? Can you immediately tell from a kiss that things are going to be oh so good or that it could well be the time to make your excuses and head for the nearest exit sign? Have your lips touched and the sparks flew? (I'm not talking about locked braces but hey possibly that's happened to you..) Has the hottest thing on 2 legs been in your grasp only for you to find out that when the passion was meant to be ignited that they kissed like a wet Haddock with halitosis? Have you been gobsmacked (pun intended) and your breath been taken away in a kiss you'll never ever forget? Or is there a lip curling, stomach churning moment which you wish you could forget but can never push to the back of your mind?

Whatever your opinion is just remember "Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it".


2:37 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 Skebbie

As far as I'm concerned, kissing is an absolute prerequisite for subsequent and deeper intimacy. In fact I'd go so far as to say that unless it happens, my "functionality" is impaired because I feel some sort of barrier has been put up.

Of course there's kissing.....and there's kissing :-) Unlike BBlish's experience, I think I can say that among the women I've met, the first kiss was a pretty accurate gauge of subsequent passion and abandon. Some women are just very horny kissers, and those types are invariably very horny too between the sheets (at least so I've found....). Occasionally I've been rendered almost delirious with lust after a first kiss, whereas in other cases it was all rather stiff and formalized, and I could tell that subsequent activity was going to be along the same lines...... :-)

The oddest date I ever had was with a woman who suddenly appeared from the bathroom wearing an all-over body stocking, except for one strategically placed hole. She requested that I don't kiss her, or lick, fondle, stroke or otherwise "meddle with" any part of her anatomy. All she wanted was for me to slide Dixon in through the hole. I have to say that it took all my powers of concentration to comply, and the experience left me feeling utterly empty.

Kissing is what makes sex intimate and fulfilling. To dispense with it is almost unthinkable. Perhaps that's why a large proportion of escorts are reluctant to do it - because it suggests something more than a professional arrangement, and they wish to remain emotionally detached.

7:59 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

I LOVE, Love, love kissing!! The Touch of soft lips and the persons sweet taste can have a very mind blowing effect indeed. The first kiss cn be the sweetest or the worst, either igniting the flames of desire or extinguishing any spark there may have been. I think that we all hope that the first kiss you share with someone will not be the last, otherwise why bother to kiss in the first place?

I love that moment,you know the one, that is so brief, the moment between that knowing glance and that first kiss. That time where the world stops for a fleeting moment, the only thing between the two people is sheer anticipation of the touchtaste of the others lips, a moment so intense that it draws you in closer.......then you kiss Mmmm. I think you know the second that first kiss ends whether it's game over, or only the beginning.

Oh just in case i forgot to mention......I LOVE KISSING!!!!!! img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

8:46 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 averagejoe99

Well so far its unanimous...... We all like it! The build up and anticipation to the first kiss also seem to be as or if not more exciting to that first kiss.
It also appears that there is a few Haddocks out there. Oh well you can't win them all :-

Miss G I'm surprised he got out alive! lol

11:25 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Awch brings a new meaning to a woman being 'Hot stuff' MissGn lol.

I once ment a very dishy fellow that everything went well with right up to the moment we kissed for the first time. Good god it was awful!!! He kissed like a washing machine on a fast spin cycle. I also think he thought i had gold hidden at the back of my throat. Now i'm all for a teasing and exploring tongue but jeez he just took it too far, expecially when it was our first kiss..... Yep, i called it an early night and declined any further dates.

11:35 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Oh welcom back Ronald, come ere till i give you a big kiss to welcome you back MWAHimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

11:36 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

***Welcome back.... even Grrr

11:54 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 averagejoe99

Welcome back Ron missed your cheery comments!

11:59 pm Saturday, 1st November, 2014 SunShineGirllUK

Oh wheesht Rolald, as if you would be miserable. Don't you do a vanishing act again and have us all worried, or us women will hold you down and kiss you till you beg for mercy on your return next time lol x

11:04 am Sunday, 2nd November, 2014 Luv2sucU

Words can't describe what having the back of my neck kissed does to me, especially if my dress is being unzipped at the same time :-)

11:51 am Sunday, 2nd November, 2014 averagejoe99

Now thats a dilemma Ron! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

Maybe he was a travelling HotPoint salesman Lishy? ;-)

(Note for future reference: ..... Neck (Back of)... Zip (Undoing)........check!)

12:20 am Monday, 3rd November, 2014 Skebbie

frisky: I could definitely have done with some firelighters when I had the all-over bodystocking date :-)

7:01 am Monday, 3rd November, 2014 Skebbie

frisky: I have done. See above :-)

8:29 am Monday, 3rd November, 2014 Skebbie

BBlish: OK it may have been a fetish, but it didn't do a lot for me :-) xx

5:13 pm Monday, 3rd November, 2014 eroticgoddess

The scenario.....we met in a crowded, far too loud pub after chatting online for far too long. He held my hand at the table, stroking his finger along the inside of my hand.

Sometime later, we went to the bar for another drink and stood there chatting. Despite the fingers on my palm, I wondered how interested he really was....

A man standing nearby asked me something about my husband. From the startled looks on our faces, he quickly gathered it was a date....and made a point of checking our fingers to see that it was, indeed, an innocent one.

We let the talk die down a bit and took turns watching our glasses and each other.

I knew in advance he couldn't stay long, so as he commented that he'd have to leave soon, I stepped forward and gave him a quick smooch somewhere next to his mouth.

He bought me another drink.

Hands. Stroking fingers.

As I set down my glass, he stepped closer, put his arms around me, and gave me the softest, gentlest kiss.

I felt the rough feel of his woolen jacket against my arms.

And then he leaned in, pulled me to him, and...we kissed.

9:18 pm Monday, 3rd November, 2014 missloveit

The song from the old coke advert .. First kiss comes to mind.. Love that song.. I also love kissing.. As yes u can run or fall after that first kiss.. .. Pls someone kiss me long n soft for I have forgotten how lost u can get in a kiss.. Bt also think u can read too much into a kiss.. I have bn kissed like I am loved bt all they want is a quickly n bye bye .. Dont think Cher really knew it when he kissed her n she could tell .. Coz I so kiss that boy n so couldn't tell if he loved me ..

8:04 am Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Minerva0

I've had some pretty awesome kisses including from some boy called Barry outside a pub in Earl's Court back in the late 80s, and a Danish viking more recently, and some pretty bloody awful ones, like the boy from here who actually looked like a gold fish as he came in for his approach. There's nothing like a great kiss, and nothing worse than a bad one.

12:19 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Minerva0

lol.. is your nose growing Lil?? It was a great kiss.. that's why I remember if nearly 25 yrs later. The only kiss I've had better is Robbie Williams kissing me in my dreams :P

12:24 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Skebbie

I have similar flights of fancy involving a youthful Sophia Loren, except it wasn't just kissing that was involved :-)

12:31 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Minerva0

oh yeah well me & Robbie didn't stop at just snogging either!

2:40 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Slow4u

Slow kisses?
Did someone call? :-)

I love 'em..
First I'd... then I might... mmmm and then I'd...

Ohhh sod it, I just love it all, lol.
The slower the better, to start with...

I'd better bugger off before I write another short novel here :-)

( Amen to Lishy x )

10:31 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Minerva0

Somebody, somebody.. a map with directions to Banstead please!

10:46 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Skebbie

Minerva: Now you know why his lips are his profile pic. He's not called "Mr Lips" for nothing :-)

10:56 pm Tuesday, 4th November, 2014 Minerva0

oh... tres embarrassement... I thought that was a blurred pic of something else!

10:18 am Wednesday, 5th November, 2014 Minerva0

swooooooooooon... lovely lips they are too and would seem you know how to use them img src="imagesadultemoticons023.gif"

10:24 am Wednesday, 5th November, 2014 eroticgoddess

Star Girl: no prizes for the correct answer (but I will neither confirm nor deny.....).

IF he wanders into blogland, he'll most likely recognize himself.

Ah for another kiss like those.

8:09 am Friday, 7th November, 2014 vigorous44

Kissing is the absolutely essential appetiser. There are so many varieties and I love them all - not too aggressive to start with please but don't hold back once it gets passionate. I always wonder on first meeting 'how will she kiss?' Ladies who hold their tongue right back in their mouth even in the heights of passion lessen the rest of the experience. Other times I have said to myself during that first kiss that it was worth meeting just for that, never mind any further activity. My last girlfriend and I could sometimes kiss for half an hour before any other activity, breaking between deep kisses to nibble ear lobes, kiss foreheads, necks and even eyelids. Yes, kissing is an essential for me - form an orderly queue please!img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

8:34 am Thursday, 27th November, 2014 freeforpleasure

OMG Joe, I could just write 100 lines about kisses...For me ,kisses are one of the most intimate kinds of expressions between two people. Whether it is desire, lust or love, there has to be a certain kind of connection and chemistry to make it memorable...

I love everything that happens before a kiss, the anticipation, licking your lips, biting yourself, that precise moment before you actually touch each other's lips.....Blessing!!!! However, a kiss is something that two people do together and so you need two to tango. I could be the best kisser in the world (ok I have got the lips) but if my partner is not, then you cannot reach perfection , end up disappointed and rather put off.

Have I ever got the mind blowing kiss? I would like to think not yet, just because I am a romantic and I am always hoping for best and more. However, I still remember one where the guy was shaking so much and moaning when I kissed him that I am almost hoping he could be here again.....Those sounds drove me crazy I must add.

Have I ever got that kiss that was a mess? ...For me the worst kiss was the one when he was so nervous that tensed totally. I could feel every single muscle stiff (and I mean face muscles and lips) and almost felt like a rejection....Not a good feeling at that time when you want to give everything.

PS. This was meant to be a long time ago

Blog Introduction


Same Old Joe .. Definitely older & maybe wiser?