Monday Holiday in Ghana and 8 Legs And Counting

7:28 am Friday, 26th September, 2014


Holidays when they fall on Mondays does tend to get the mind wandering. One is faced with several choices. Hole up at home with a bottle of Cognac and some favorite movies and while it away like awaiting the passing of a storm. Of course, being in the tropics, the beach does come to mind, but then and again we are in the monsoon season so chilly water and rain doesn't hold much of an appeal. For the naughty minded, well you know what happens when you let it idle. It drives off to pleasure villa.

So with a Monday-Holiday on our hand, two naughty young men planned a nice get away with a good surprise. the first timers for some two unsuspecting women (and one pleasantly surprised man as well). wont bore you with the usual scouting around for the play ground and related security and discretion assurances.

Couple 1 (Mr B and Madam F) arrived first since they were hosting, and soon after some geographical mishaps, Couple 2 (Mr K and Madam K also arrived.

Introductions were a bit lumpy but with a few shots of vodka and lime the conversation flowed. Mdm K didnt hesitate to jump right in. First timer with a zeal I guess. quickly she grabbed me by the dick and pulled me to the kitchen and proceeded to strip for me, getting naked and showing me her lovely breasts and sweet looking pussy in record time. Right on cue, junior went into flag saluting mode. not needing an invite, I delved in and had grabbed me some boobs and nipples and boy did they feel and taste wonderful. after 15minutes of sucking and licking.... she wanted some Junior time too. laid out on the kitchen counter in all her splendor, it was a sight to see, behold and enjoy. She gently took me to lips and proceeded to suck me. It was different and exciting at the same time. Note all this while Mr. K and Mdm F were alone in the hall and getting to know each other (wink wink). It was difficult to not hear the kissing sounds and gentle soft moans coming from there. This spurred us on, knowing that our partners were busy and enjoying drove us beyond the edge. I exploded deep into her mouth and she didnt spill a drop. After such a good job, I could not help but lift her up and give her a big wet kiss.... I tasted of her... and she tasted of me.... and it was exquisite.

That folks was the beginning of a lovely lovely afternoon... More to follow.

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