Funny how it all works out eh....?

1:32 pm Wednesday, 13th August, 2014


Walking down into the sea. Laughing as the waves spray you, wetting your face.
Tasting salt on lips as you kiss till, just over waist deep you stop.
Face to face kissing long deep and urgent, you jump up, bouyed by the water.
Wrapping legs around my waist, hands drop from your back, under her perfect ass
Slipping fingers under her bikini bottoms, brushing across her lips
All the while kissing and feeling breasts against your chest
Knowing there's people on the beach watching, wishing it was them wrapped tight by her
Pulling my hand down, the wet fabric slides over the back of my hand exposing you completely to the sea
Feeling your tongue harder and faster in your mouth giving the clear signal you know what's coming
Leaving her exposed, slip down the shorts, spring free and slip home all in one simple move.
Keeping her juices from escaping to the sea ...and oh so slowly... with rhythm of the swell,

Hope you enjoyed....

Blog Introduction


just window shopping at the time being