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Teaching sex to the inexperienced

6:25 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

We all live and learn and most of our learning was done in school or college. But sex and how to get the most out of it, isn't (as far as I know) part of the curriculum, beyond the basics and the necessary warnings.

So there's a gap right? Sex by enlarge is trial and error in the big blue and green world - hopefully not too many errors though. Yet it is fundamental function that should be enjoyed by all those that wish to, without fear.

Yes of course porn is widely available and there is an element of education and enjoyment going on there, well at least in part. But there isn't too much availability of what you might call 'hands on teaching'.
The type of careful, considered, loving sex instruction that can give an inexperienced person a beautiful memory and set them up for life.

So this blog is for all 'inexperienced' girls and guys out there who, might want some valuable instruction on how to do this and how to do that.

Find yourself someone who can help you, genuinely and honestly. Find your teacher, find your leader and hold on to him/her for dear life - because such teachers are few and far between and so so precious.

6:50 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

You are Funtimes in disguise & this is the new Top Tips!

Where do I claim my prize?

8:43 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

I am fecking useless at sex. But here's the thing. I always have a good time.

Amazing eh?

8:55 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

Oh dear. Never mind, wallow in whatever negativity you wish to wallow in. Nobody really cares. BTW, Lucy was a gorgeous girl in so many ways, but she sadly died. There you go, do you feel better now?

9:14 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

I forgive easily. NP. Thank you. x

10:45 pm Sunday, 29th June, 2014

Joe, what you are suggesting may suit the kinaesthetic learners amongst us, but what about the visual , logical and linguistic earners? Perhaps they should stick to porn or web cams :-)

A word to the wise ... some men are very modest about their abilities (dirty wink).

1:42 am Monday, 30th June, 2014

Luv2: Yes, modesty is Dixon's greatest asset :-)

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